
Oct 08, 2006 01:10

Location: Infirmary
Time: Early Morning on Day 16, Month 7, Turn 2
Players: Vanya and Roa
Scene: Roa has the results back from E'sere's dubious meal in Vanya's room.

Many of the beds in the infirmary are still full with riders from the last heavy fall. Roa is, for the moment, more intent on those dragons that were injured as well. She stands before the couch of a drowsy green, looking over her chart. Back and in the shadows rests Tialith, eyes whirling slowly and her attention, oddly, on the opposite side of the infirmary.

Vanya looks as exhausted as she feels, walking into the infirmary taking almost more energy than she possesses after a long night. "I was told you wanted to see me, Weyrwoman?" she says, voice sounding as tired as she apparently is. She stands a respectful distance from the queen rider, and offers a nod to the gold dragon near. "I really shouldn't leave Wingleader E'sere for very long, ma'am, but the rider who brought me down indicated it was urgent?"

The clipboard of notes is set back into the pocket hanging before the green's couch as Roa turns to regard Vanya. "Thank you for coming, Journeyman" Roa says simply at the other woman's arrival. "I have the results from those items you gave me the other night. She waits a moment, a quick glance to be sure those others milling about are far enough away. and then, soft and calm, "Aconite."

Vanya hears the word and nods. "I suspicioned so, yes," she replies. "The slowed heartbeat, the nearly nonexistent pulse ..." She closes her eyes. "Aconite it used for heart-related illnesses, to slow the heart and lower blood pressure." Perhaps she doesn't know if the weyrwoman knows about aconite, or if she's recounting it for her own benefit. "It's a good thing we got him here in time. If the dosage was strong enough, he could have easily died." There's a hollow, haunted sound to her voice now. "They almost succeeded. If Dara hadn't come when she did, I could never have got him to the infirmary in time."

"It seems, then, that your suspicions were correct," notes the weyrwoman softly. She quiets then, for the explanation of aconite and dosages and Dara to finish. When it does, Roa only adds, "I am aware of aconite's uses and dangers, thank you."

Vanya nods. "Forgive me, Weyrwoman," she says, eyes finding the small woman and looking at her through a haze of weariness. "It was a long night, and I'm tired," she explains. "I didn't mean to sound impertinent." She's very quiet a moment. "He'll live, but will likely be weak for a day or so. I moved him back to his weyr, where he should be safe. No one can get to him with Morelenth there." Though they were both so sound asleep neither of them woke when the dragon came for her. "I appreciate your swiftness on this. I only wish --" No, she won't say that. "I'm just glad I was able to help him."

"You didn't sound impertinent. Only exhausted." A tiny smile, practiced but there, is offered from the weyrwoman to the healer. "You may wish, perhaps, to get some rest yourself. Maybe return to your own bed for a few hours, and see to the Wingleader after you've regained some strength?"

"I would prefer to remain with my patient," Vanya replies, smiling a little, "but I thank you for your concern. I have medicines in the wingleader's weyr to give him if he suffers a relapse." She moistens her lips. "As much as I'd love to find my own bed, my first duty is to him. Once I know he's out of harm's way, I can and will rest, I assure you, ma'am."

"One might argue that if your duty is to your patients, it would benefit them more to not run yourself into exhaustion. I cannot see how anyone can benefit from a healer too weary to keep her thought straight but..." Roa's head tips down into a courteous nod, "I leave it to your discretion. I will only stress a second time that your own rest will likely assist the Wingleader in his own recovery."

"I rested some already, ma'am. The Wingleader was kind enough to let me use his bed, he wishing to reassure Morelenth with his presence," Vanya explains. "So, I'm tired, yes, but I'll be close by in case he wakes and needs anything." She takes a breath. "You may rest assured if I feel myself incapable of performing my duty, I will bow out and call for another healer." She nods, once more. "Again, I appreciate your concern. I'll rest when I know the wingleader is fully recovered." Another small smile. "This isn't the first time I've gone on little or no sleep. It likely won't be the last. It's the nature of my profession, ma'am."

Again, there is quiet stillness as Roa listens to the other woman. Then, afterwards, "Ah. Well then, unless you have anything else you wish to ask, I shall leave you to your duties."

"My only question is unanswerable, ma'am," Vanya replies. "And that would be to ask why anyone would do such a thing." She shrugs. "As I said, unanswerable. I will check the aconite supply on my way out, and see how much is missing. If none is, then we can assume the poisoner had their own supply. Possibly in a less refined state, which could explain a few things." She pauses, nodding once more. "If I'm needed to speak with anyone, I can be found in Wingleader E'sere's weyr."

Another small nod and then, "Good morning to you then, Journeyman. Please notify me if you discover our aconite is low." And then Roa is turning and moving towards the exit, the gold in the shadows rising to follow after.

"I will, ma'am. At this point, all I know is we are dangerously low on willow powder. I gave the Headwoman a full report on what we're missing," Vanya says, turning. "I can give you a copy, if you wish." But she's already heading toward the supply area, and moving with steps that seem somehow leaden.

Roa slows a beat at the mention of willow powder. But Vanya is already turned away and the weyrwoman says nothing. She only shakes her head and keeps walk, herself and Tialith vanishing out into the bowl.


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