
Sep 22, 2006 13:30

Location: Weyrling Cavern
Time: Afternoon on Day 17, Month 6, Turn 2
Players: J'sek, Roa, Areteth
Scene: Roa checks in on the injured blue and his rider.

The sun is brightly shining and the clouds for once aren't carrying any rain. A lovely summer day, not to hot and not too cold. A day to be outside to enjoy the fresh air and not get drenched or freeze in the cold. And it would seem as though one weyrling pair were making use of the good weather by exploring just a tad bit of this outside. But now they return, walking back into the large cavern. J'sek gives Areteth a bit of an affectionate pat as the blue lumbers ahead a little, not seeming to have too much trouble navigating anymore with the splint and mangled talon. The weyrling smiles crookedly at something, coming to a stop not too far from the various assortment of barrels. Only this time he's not cutting meat, he's simply waiting.

And right on time, in comes Roa with her satchel under one arm and her brisk pace and quiet manner. She looks around the room, eyes quickly falling onto Areteth as her guard detail, Morley just now, comes in and settles near the doorway. "Good evening, J'sek, she begins with a little smile. "Areteth is looking well. How has he been this seven?"

J'sek looks up as Roa arrives, and indeed -- right on time, and faintly smiles in return. The guard Morley is ignored, as the weyrling is somewhat used to that now. "Evening, Roa." he says as he moves closer to Areteth, the blue now turning so he's facing the direction of the approaching goldrider. "Much improved. I think he's mending well. Nothing seems to irritate him and he only limps a little now." And the blue does look to be in good health, for sure, and has definitely grown quite a bit.

"Faranth, he's huge," Roa breathes out softly. Really, at this point, bending down will make her too short to study him. "Hello, Areteth. Are you ready to take a look and see how we're doing? Hmm?"

J'sek can't help but chuckle a little. "Guess I forgot to mention he's growing like a weed." The blue simply snorts a little. Of course he is. Its how it works, no? Areteth regards Roa with his calm, whirling eyes for a moment before laying down in the position he's had to do a few times before. Not that he remembers much of those. And as usual, J'sek lingers close but not in the way of Roa, if he can help it.

Roa moves around to crouch, now that he's down and on his back, fingers moving over the once-gash that's now little more that a strip of raised and off-colored skin along his belly with now-unnecessary stitches peeping out from it. "Well," muses the little dragonhealer, "this has cleaned up nicely." Small scissors begin snipping and removing stitches, once again too small for growing hide. "I'll give you a type of cream to put on the scar so the skin doesn't tighten. It should lessen as he grows."

Areteth doesn't move or even flinch, although he's taken up his usual habit of tilting his head around to watch as Roa works away. A quiet rumble is all that the blue makes sound wise, but its merely out of fascination. J'sek watches too, for a moment, before crouching down a little to the side just as the last couple of stitches are removed. "Good. I'm pleased that he's healed now. And what's in the cream? Its different from the oil?" he asks, smirking lightly but otherwise simply glancing thoughtfully at his dragon.

"It's a bit different. Oil keeps hide from drying. This has a few herbs that will keep the scar supple. Scar tissue is a bit different from regular hide, and it's inclined to tighten over time, especially with younger dragons." Roa's fingers rub along the discolored band with a fond smile. "All right, not-so-little-one. Up you go and we'll see how you're leg's settled."

J'sek ahhs softly as he quietly listens to Roa. The weyrling then chuckles dryly, "Goes to show you how much I know. Not used to dealing with this sort've hide. Used to runners. Very different." he says, rambling on a little before frowning a bit. "So how often will it need to be applied? Every time I oil him?" Which is often enough. Even as J'sek continues to babble, Areteth seems all too pleased to get off his back and back onto his feet. The blue moves with little awkwardness now, settling himself so that the splinted arm is nearest to Roa. The blue's head tilts a little, curiosity still going on strong.

Roa steps back as Areteth rolls over. "Whenever you oil him," she agrees as her hands go to the bandages and begin to unwrap them. Begin to slowly remove the splint. "Extend your leg please, Areteth, as far as is comfortable." She glances over to J'sek. "As it thins, you can move to applying it once a day. And then once he's fully mature, you should just be able to treat it like regular hide."

Areteth does as he's asked to do and extends his leg as far as he feels comfortable with. While he doesn't seem to be able to fully extend it, it's not too far off when he rumbles gruffly, something close to a huff. His leg is then brought back to a more comfortable position for the blue, the filed down talon still oddly twisted. J'sek reaches over to pat the blue's hide again, frowning once more, before nodding to Roa. "Got it, I'll remember to do it then, when I oil him." He then glances over to the goldrider and shrugs his shoulders a bit. "He says his leg doesn't hurt as bad. Stiff, but nothing horrible." The weyrling then looks over to the one broken limb. "How much longer with the splint now?"

"Well, let's see," Roa's fingers slide over the blue's leg and she gives a small nod. "Areteth, I'd like you to lower your foot to the ground an very slowly settle your weight until you're square on all four feet. Stop if it hurts or feels funny."

J'sek begins to chew at his lower lip slightly, almost nervously, as Areteth begins to slowly move into position as Roa requested. The foot is lowered and ever so slightly and the blue begins to adjust his weight appropriately. It's apparent, once that he's square on all four feet (or as best as possible), that the limb is slightly turning in at a strange angle. Not glaringly obvious, but enough if you're looking for it. Areteth huffs again, mildly in possible surprise and a hint of frustration. J'sek's frown returns and the weyrling shakes his head a bit. "No pain, he says it just feels weird. Not used to having a splint, I think."

A slow nod, Roa's eyes settled on the slightly twisted limb. She begins backing up. "Walk towards me, please, Areteth? Slowly, to start. Match my pace." Back...back...gaze on that leg.

Areteth lowers his head a little as he watches Roa step away from him. Not one to back out of something new and possibly challenging, the blue immediately begins to follow. One step with a good limb and then comes the bad one and the blue falters a little. Not so much in discomfort, but more in awkwardness. J'sek grimaces a little, yet is silent as he follows along side, most likely silently reassuring the blue. Again, another step to follow Roa and not so much a faltering step here, although his limp is more pronounced. Areteth rumbles low, almost a growl, his frustration more so a mix between confusion now. "He's not hurting, but he's confused. Lack of the splint?" he says again. Areteth has since stopped moving and is busily moving his hooked muzzle down to lightly prod at the splint-free limb.

"He's never walked on four feet before. He's going to have to relearn his balance. Here, encourage him a bit J'sek. Tell him not to worry. It's not about getting it all right away. Just trying. Keep walking Areteth. Just follow after me as best you can." Roa continues backing up and she's moved to the edge of the room so she can just continue to circle around the perimeter.

"I am encouraging him, Roa." J'sek says, somewhat bluntly, but that's perhaps due to the weyrlings own frustration. Or Areteth's frustration making him feel...ahh, well, you get the picture. Even as he moves in closer, next to his blue, he's already back to silent encouragement, although he does murmur some of it out loud. "Listen to her, she's right. You're okay and doing so good. Just keep going, but go slow ..." Areteth creels very softly as Roa continues to back away and J'sek urges him on. But the blue pushes forwards in determination and while his balance is shaky, his movements awkward and a limp that may or may not improve following shortly afterwards, he begins to make process. He's just beginning to pick up some speed when he slows again and rumbles. "Tired?" J'sek says, somewhat surprised.

Roa stops moving backwards as Areteth tires. "Well," she says moving forward, "He's done with the splint. Now it's going to be a matter of learning how to use that fourth foot. I want him to practice walking on it. At least fifteen minutes twice a day and then longer as he builds his confidence. Having the splint off will help too. He may start using it without realizing it. I also want him swimming. A half an hour every day. Areteth might or might not have a limp." Shoulders lift and then fall. "But the leg seems strong. He's going to be just fine."

Areteth seems happy to have a bit of a break, swinging his head around to nudge at J'sek with his hooked muzzle. The weyrling reaches up to scritch at the nearest eyeridge, a quiet way of saying 'you did good' for this pair. But J'sek's attention is also focused on Roa and he raises his brows a little at the mention of swimming. "Cold water won't bother 'em, I guess then?" he says, somewhat amused as he smiles lightly. "Limp or not, I'm just relieved it healed quick and well enough." Another affectionate pat to the blue's hide. "He gives his thanks to you, Roa. But we both should get back to the barracks. He's tired. But thank you, again." He seems ready to turn to the barracks but hesitates a moment. "Any word if you're teaching those added classes?" he asks, obviously curious.

"Cold water won't," Roa agrees with a smile. "They can handle between, they can handle Reachian lakes. I'll check in on you in a couple sevens to see how his gait's progressing. As far as classes..." she's walking over, bending down, scooping up her satchel. "Yes. I'll be teaching them. Just have to sort out the 'when' bit with the Weyrlingmaster. Get some rest. You've done excellent work with Areteth so far."

J'sek seems to carry himself a little more proudly at Roa's last statement, before reverting back to his usual self. "Thanks. Although I had help." he says, with another faint smile. "Look forward to those classes. Whenever they'll be." he says shortly afterwards, giving a brief wave as he turns to follow the now somewhat impatient Areteth into the barracks.

j'sek, areteth

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