
Mar 16, 2006 22:10

Location: Living Cavern
Time: Late Morning on Day 9, Month 6, Turn 1
Players: R'hael, K'sar and Roa
Scene: Three (former) Telgar residents have brunch together. Roa blushes a lot.

Living Cavern

Large enough to hold the majority of the Weyr's human population, this cavern can become loud enough to deafen thanks to the acoustics caused by its size. The ceiling is so far overhead that it's cast into shadow, a darkness that is broken only by the spark and glitter of a lucky beam of light striking the minerals found in the rock walls. Below, most of the floor is covered with an assortment of long tables and benches. There are some smaller tables, surrounded by chairs, but privacy appears to be a rare thing in this bustling cavern. Large hearths line the west wall, with fires burning day and night to warm the food and drink that keep the Weyr's inhabitants fueled. The serving tables are near the hearth, opposite the dais that holds the single table reserved for the Weyr leadership and honored guests.

R'hael smirks and eats a chunk of cheese, "Same thing, really. Once you prove you can really do the tricky manuevers and are willing to throw yourself into it, you're in demand."

K'sar is seated with R'hael at a table, two plates in front of R'hael, one heaped one in front of K'sar and a pitcher of citrus juice between them. "Hence my luck at both." He lifts his chin, taunting his friend.

"Yes yes. I know. You really are well equipped for them, the large... bronze and all. But it's too bad about the subtleties that you keep missing out on." He grins and takes a drink of the juice.

K'sar shakes his head, not even bothering to punch R'hael's arm for that one, just picking up a bit of bread and cheese and taking a bite. "I'm thinking of having a weyr-welcoming party in a day or so. Just stock up on wine and liquor and juice and food and have some music and fun in the weyr."

(Due to poor connection, Roa's first pose got lost. It was something to the effect of coming in and selecting some fruit, bread, and cheese for lunch.)

Glancing up at the newest arrival, K'sar calls out. "Roa! Look who decided to join us in exile!"

R'hael glances over his shoulder as soon as K'sar makes noise, and swallows quickly, "It's the Lake Sprite! Why, it's been ages since I saw you last." he looks Roa up and down and smiles, "And you're lovlier by the day. Why, in the months since we last met, you've gone from radiant to ravishing. Soon enough you'll be a goddess."

Roa startles as her name is shouted across the room, but unlike some weavers people might know, the young goldrider recovers nicely with nary a berry spilt. She pauses to readjust the satchel more securely on her shoulder before turning around and heading over to K'sar and R'hael's table, eyes widening a little as she sees *two* Telgari seated there. "Good morning, R'hael," she says quietly by way of greeting. Always polite, she is. "What are you doing at High Reaches? How fares Gileath?"
At all of the flattery, Roa's cheeks flush crimsom (it's painfully easy to get them that color) and her eyes slide down and away. "Hardly," is murmured.

K'sar rolls his eyes at R'hael's flattery and nods to an empty seat at the table. "Settle in, little one, and tell us all about your classes?"

"I'm here now. After K'sar left I was demoted... all the way out of flight duty. S'lien seemed to think I'd be a distraction with a new wing leader, and set me to flying with the wounded. Escort duty. You know Gileath... he's too high strung to play honor guard. So... we're here. Looking for a wing." R'hael takes a bite of melon, eating more politely now that there is company other than K'sar.

Roa does as K'sar suggests, taking the empty seat indicated, though once putting down her tray she then has to stand up again to reach for the pitcher and pour herself a glass of juice. It's as she reseats herself that she notices the knot at K'sar's shoulder. Not Telgar colors. "Oh..." she breathes softly. "Dananth told Tialith he'd gotten a weyr but..." she bites her lower lip and then, swallowing sharply, looks back at R'hael's explanation. "at this rate, Tia and I will be the only pair in Telgar by the end of the turn," Roa muses before pushing on to more mundane topics. "Classes are going well. The ones that focus on craft skills are particularly interesting."

"Blame S'lien." K'sar bites off the words almost viciously before he lets out a breath and reaches for his own juice. "Sorry, but..." he shrugs and nods. "I'm flying under Ch'dais in 1A now."

R'hael says, "And it's entirely too bad. Why, Tia will be flying soon and Dananth is completely out of the running. Gileath will pine for a week when he knows Tia's gone back to Telgar and that we can't even be there to see her fly." he picks at food, obviously hungry but holding back to polite levels of consumption. "But until then, we get to bask in your company and lavish you with attention."

"Well, not necessarily. We can fly her, but she has to hatch back at Telgar." K'sar replies, then adds. "Dananth caught Benden's Analith a couple of weeks ago."

Roa props up her elbow and rests her chin on her closed fist with a small sigh. "Don't you male riders ever think of anything else besides flights?" Part annoyance and part genuine curiousity. "And Tialith's young yet. We have at least a turn before she starts glowing." Unsaid but implied: thank Faranth. The angry comment about S'lien is just left alone for now.

"Yeah, we do. Food. Good wine. Pretty girls. Oh, and Thread. Can't forget fighting Thread." K'sar teases, swallowing the bite of cheese and chasing it with a bite of redfruit.

R'hael raises his cup and grins, "I'd not heard about that. Congratulations! Gileath's flown a few greens, but never tried very hard to catch yet. Someday he'll find one that interests him and then we'll see what he's really capable of." he glances at Roa, "Sometimes we think about food, or wine, or flying threadfall. But those are only when we absolutely have to. Besides, we need the eggs and young riders desperately. So many losses in these first few falls, and heavier falls to come."

Roa tuts softly and shakes her head. "When you boys talk about flights, I hardly think you're imagining the eggs," she says and then carefully tears off a bit of bread and balances a small bite of cheese atop it. Munch munch. She asks K'sar lightly, "Are you happy? With the wing you've been assigned?"

"Considering my options? Yes." K'sar replies. "G'thon's wisdom is something the weyr still sorely needs. I respect him, and I respect Ch'dais."

R'hael looks at Roa and almost purrs when talking to her, lips slightly pursed and eyes half closed, "You might be suprised. Mating outside a flight is not unheard of for a rider, but queen clutches are precious." He gives her a slight wink, then grins and says in a less faked voice, "I'd like to make it as well. Gil's on the small side, but he's a quick flyer and never failed to go the duration of a fall. 1A is prestegeous, a good place to start."

"So then you don't think..." Roa begins, glancing at K'sar and then R'hael, but then stops. "I had heard rumors. About the last threadfall."

"Ch'dais didn't order it. I'd...I /am/ betting mine and my dragon's lives on it." K'sar answers firmly. He picks up the fruit and bites it, almost viciously.

R'hael says, "It's the caucus. With it here, everyone plays politics and tries to one up each other. The bad part comes when people forget to do their job, or risk losing entire wings because of stupid agendas." he looks across at K'sar, "So, I'll fly the wing and Gileath will ash thread from the sky. And we'll watch out for one another." then his attention returns to Roa, and he teases, "And pine for radiant young queens. It's in the job description.”

Roa picks up a small berry and then has a sip of juice before asking, "What do you two think happened? I mean, it was probably just an accident or a misunderstanding, but..." she seems to be sincere as she says this . Or rather, as if she's trying to convince herself that no one meant any harm. This is typical or Roa, by the by. The girl seems irrationally reluctant to see bad in people, especially those with authority. Her stalwart belief that S'lien really means well, for example.

"R'hael wasn't here. I was. And I know someone ordered the wing - but it could have been I'zul, or it could have been E'sere." K'sar replies. "Ch'dais is the one already selected as acting weyrleader when G'thon isn't able. He has no reason to do what they say."

R'hael says, "I can make guesses about people I've yet to meet, but they would be innane. I'll have to trust K'sar, and I don't mind doing it." he sighs, "I just wish that I could see what's really going on behind some of these people's eyeballs."

Roa just isn't very good at managing teasing, although that compliment was luckily directed towards Tialith more than her. "I expect any dragon who could give chase thinks any queen is radiant." A small pause before she allows humbly, "Tialith is rather lovely, though." To K'sar she presses, "Maybe no one *did* anything? Why couldn't it just be an awful accident?"

"Because someone did order it." K'sar replies. He watches R'hael head off and grins, shaking his head. "I'm /so/ glad he's here. I need someone I can trust at my back."

"Someone ordered a turn. No one said, 'you riders, fly right into thread.' It wasn't a good order, clearly, but there doesn't have to be malicious intent behind it?" As much as Roa's trying to sound certain, the last still comes out as a question. Then, as R'hael leaves and K'sar comments she says, "he still teases too much." Ah yes. As a little girl she quite adored R'hael's brown. R'hael made...continues to make...her nervous with all those flowered compliments.

"He's good like that." K'sar mutters and then glances up. "Roa - I was there. Don't question me." He rises from the seat and collects his dishes. "Enjoy your classes. I have a dragon that needs some oiling."

Roa's lips tighten but is duely chastised. At least for the moment. The decided lack of farewell, however, suggests the flat-out-order rankles a little.

r'hael, k'sar

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