Location: North Weyr
Time: Late evening on Day 12, Month 11, Turn 3
Players: Roa and Issa
Scene: Issa drops by for a visit. They discuss various topics including dead ex-weyrleaders, mysterious packages and who sent them, unhappy bronzeriding weyrlings, and the men responsible for the bumps.
we would have heard a scream and a splat from your weyr ledge long before now )
Comments 7
And that is why Issa really doesn't have anything to worry about when talking to Jen.
I've wondered myself, sometimes. I love when these two get together and talk, and I get to see what they're thinking on so many issues.
Doom. Lalala.
In this case, regardless of past infractions on both sides - and it's ridiculous to present Miniyal as the only one repeatedly betrayed! - I think the fact that Miniyal is so lacking in maturity about her approaches and reactions is likely to affect any eventual showdown (of doom). ^_~
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