Unforseen Circumstances

May 28, 2007 15:58

Location: Weyrleaders’ Weyr
Time: Before Lunch on Day 10, Month 11, Turn 3
Players: Roa and H’kon
Scene: H’kon has another couple questions for the weyrwoman and a warning about a certain impulsive, bronzeriding weyrling.

A little before lunch is a good time to find someone working in the Weyrleaders' office. Today, it's just the weyrwoman who, despite several chairs lined up around the sandtable, has pushed one out of the way so that she might stand instead. She's bent over a hide, quill scribbling away with one hand, the other pressed down over the letter to keep it from moving about as she writes.

H'kon has selected this time, when he isn't required for sweeps or any sort of duties at all, to pursue matters of a somewhat more personal nature. The brownrider arrives with the same precise march that was used the last time he'd found the weyrwoman here. Again he pauses at the entrance, offers the same formal greeting of, "Weyrwoman," and his own information of, "H'kon, brownrider to Arekoth, wing two-c." Never mind that she knows who he is. The man's eyes show signs of fatigue - a general lack of sleep, at least - though it isn't pronounced in his posture. And he waits to be acknowledged. As is only appropriate.

She looks up as the brownrider speaks her title and stays, half-bent, quill-to-hide, eyes lifted, until he completes his introduction. Then Roa straightens and sets the quill to rest in its inkwell. "Yes," she agrees. "Please come in H'kon, brownrider to Arekoth, wing two-c. Tell me what I can do for you. Sit, if you like."

H'kon enters, stepping up to the table, but not sitting down. "You instructed me to come and speak with you if there was further concern over Vanya and Tavaly, ma'am," is offered as explanation for his presence. Stance is widened a little, hands clasped behind his back, at ease. "It has been suggested that they have gone to Five Mines. It is now the tenth day of the month. They left on the second of last. I am certain you are aware."

"Ah," Roa says, her hand flattening on the hide before her as her eyes come to rest fully on H'kon. "I am aware of the date. Yes. What is it that you would like to know, then, H'kon?"

"How you can guarantee their safety, ma'am. When last you heard from them. If you expected their... task to take so long." H'kon's head dips down a little. Submissive.

"Immath and Tialith maintain contact. If Immath did not check in regularly or if she expressed any signs of distress, we would retrieve them, immediately. That has not been the case, however." Roa's fingers drum, just lightly, against the glass surface of the sand table. "We had not intended this errand to run so long. Unforeseen circumstances have made it so."

H'kon cannot keep a dissatisfied look from crossing his face at the mention of 'unforeseen circumstances'. The brownrider does nod, however. "Ah." His lower lip is accorded a bite, the skin maintaining the outline of his upper teeth for a moment after they've departed. "Only there has been suggestion of alternate actions, by those who are still within the weyr. Who are concerned." Grudgingly given, that. "I suppose you still are not certain how much longer this is expected to run."

"I'm afraid not. I think, if another couple sevens pass without their task being fulfilled, I'll be ready to toss in the towel and have them--I'm sorry?" Roa blinks, shoulders pushing back and spine straightening. " A 'suggestion of alternate actions'? Could you please explain that?"

H'kon looks squarely at the goldrider, standing a bit straighter, though not coming to full attention just yet. "Ma'am," is offered with a nod. Confirmation. "The guard who impressed the bronze believes it necessary to go after them. I could not persuade him to consider otherwise. I would be concerned it would only endanger them further." Jaw clenches a bit. "I do not mean for this to be... it seemed that you should be alerted."

That information causes Roa to lift up her chin and draw a slow, deep breath in through her nose. "I see," the weyrwoman says quietly. "Thank you. I appreciate your telling me. If I may ask, when did he speak with you about this matter?"

"I am sorry, I could do nothing more for it. He would not listen to me. And his concern... is understandable, even if his decision is questionable." A grim nod to follow. "The day before yesterday, ma'am." This is spoken softly, as if H'kon is embarrassed. "After lunch, maybe by an hour or two."

"All right. He doesn't..." Roa smiles weakly, though there is no mirth to the expression. "R'en refusing to listen is not....atypical. I wouldn't take it as a personal failing."

H'kon simply snorts at this, even in the presence of the weyrwoman. His stance is allowed to drift a bit wider, so his feet are once again a shoulder-width apart. An expectant look is pinned on Roa, awaiting further questioning. Or orders. Or something.

What he gets is another small smile for that snort. "Is there anything else I can assist you with, H'kon," the weyrwoman asks.

"No, ma'am. That is all." It's said almost as a sigh, and H'kon turns smartly to leave the room. And there, pauses, half-turning back, glancing over his shoulder to the weyrwoman. "Unless... you would have Tialith relay a greeting to Vanya. From me. It is a personal favour, I know." A preemptive wince to follow that up.

"It will likely get a little convoluted, going from rider to dragon to dragon to rider to Journeyman," Roa warns. "But I'll see what I can do. Thank you again, H'kon."

"Yes. I did not think it through." H'kon turns fully, offers a crisp salute off to the weyrwoman, a quick, "Thank you for your time, ma'am," and leaves the office for the stairs.

The weyrwoman looks down to her hide and shakes her head, eyes closing slowly. "Damn it," she mutters under her breath before pushing away from the table to pace around the room.


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