
Apr 22, 2007 12:55

Location: North Weyr
Time: Early morning on Day 6, Month 8, Turn 3
Players: Roa and Ashwin
Scene: A small moment in which Roa realizes she has become less small.

It literally happened overnight. When Roa went to sleep, though her back ached and her legs were inclined to cramp, the toned muscles of her belly were keeping her profile essentially the same as ever it was. And yet, at some point while she slept, those muscles surrendered to the inevitable and on taking a bath the following morning, Roa discovered she suddenly had a quite evident bulge and a navel that popped outwards instead of in. She stands, silent, perplexed, partially undressed in the bathroom, peering down as she studies this phenomenon with a furrowed brow and a tiny and confused frown.

Blissfully unaware of this, Ashwin returns from his private training. He will depart again soon enough to train once more with the bulk of his men, and those weyr citizens who choose to join them, but just now this window has been snatched to say good morning. Except that the Weyrwoman is still in the bathroom. He whistles a greeting to announce himself as he crosses the room, and his fingers tap on the door, causing it to swing open.

She looks up and over with a small start and Roa smiles a little bit for the whistling. "I'm mostly done. I just got...sort of...stalled." The response to her words is a sudden, internal flurry of movement that makes the weyrwoman shake her head, smile deepening just a little. Voices, or at least hers, have been making her body's little inhabitant jerk since she woke up.

"Stalled?" Ashwin has a quiet tease ready, to go with one of his small, private smiles, but he halts in the doorway, one hand braced against either side of it. His habitual, appreciative glance reveals something new, and the smile dies away in favour of a slightly open mouth, and silence. "Fuck," he breathes, blinking slowly. "Look at that."

More motion, felt but not visible. So Roa lifts a finger to her lips in an unusual request for silence from the so-quiet Ashwin. And then her hand lowers so that same finger can crook in a small 'come hither' movement.

It takes so little to silence him at any time, and certainly that finger to her lips is enough. Ashwin falls silent, and his footsteps are soundless as he crosses to her, halting close enough to kiss her, and lifting a brow in a wordless question.

Once he's there, her small fingers curl around his larger hand, lifting it to settle, as she did a few sevens before, on her now-domed abdomen. One hand lingers, resting atop his knuckles. The other moves again to her mouth, though this time her first and second fingers tap her lips and then move outward. Indicative of something coming out of them and, considering the way Roa's dark blue eyes are settled, expectant, on Ashwin, it's a thing for him to do. Permission to speak granted, Captain.

Obedient, he spreads his fingers, and notes her signal to speak. Contrary, the Captain leans in first to press his lips to her cheek in a soft kiss of greeting. Then, with a smile that crinkles the corners of his eyes, he does speak, quiet. "Morning, rapidly expanding little thing. Morning, bump."

Bump, indeed. The sensation is far more definite than it was. A distinct kick that can be clearly felt against Ashwin's palm. It goes on when his words do, and stops as he does. Roa waits for a few beats, for that stillness to resume before she counters, with an arched brow, "Morning, yourself." Another few stirrings for those few words.

"Mmmm," Ashwin replies, eyes fixed on where his hand is splayed against her abdomen. "This going to happen every time? Going to have to be quiet if you want any rest." He leans in again, this time not to kiss her cheek, but to press his, still rough and unshaved against it.

"Fits and starts. She's particularly attentive this morning, though." And there she goes again as Roa tilts her head to turn Ashwin's brush of cheek to cheek into a soft kiss fondly returned. "Mostly, I'm quiet anyhow. And if he's tuckered out now, maybe he'll actually sleep when I do."

"Point," Ashwin allows, shifting his fingers an inch, to trail them across her skin. "That's a baby, isn't it?" He sounds mildly surprised, tone shifting just a fraction.

"Faranth help us, but I think it is," Roa murmurs against his cheek. She shifts just a little, to rest her head against his chest. "We're not fostering, are we." It should be, but it isn't really, a question.

"Hmm?" Another faint note of surprise, and Ashwin draws his head back so he can look over her face. "No need for that. There's a nursery here for when we're working. You're the Weyrwoman, they'll work around what you need. Not going to all this work to give it away when we get it. Can stay at Tillek for a few sevens now and again, if we need it."

"Just thought I'd check," Roa notes quietly. "Take a lot of juggling. Don't think I'm ready to ship her off to Tillek just yet, much as the girls would love it."

"Not just yet," Ashwin agrees. "Later. Got to be able to walk to fall off the end of the dock, and that won't be for a while." He releases her, and steps back, slowly pulling his hand away from her stomach. "Training. Lunch today?"

"You sailors' sons and your strange obsession with drowning little children. I don't think you're much winning your case, love." She inches backwards as Ashwin does and peers down at herself again. "Think I need new clothes," she notes a mite unhappily. "I have to be in the cavern with R'vain for lunch. Answer questions. Dinner?"

"Dinner it is," Ashwin agrees, flashing her a small smile. "Take it easy." And then, failing signally to follow his own advice, the Captain steps back, and is gone. More training.


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