Freed And Confined

Feb 05, 2007 10:42

Location: Hatching Galleries
Time: Evening on Day 2, Month 3, Turn 3
Players: Gnella and Roa
Scene: Ginella queries and Roa avoids.

Hatching Galleries

Countless rows of benches have been carved directly into the rock face of this immense cavern. The stone itself is dark grey and smooth, and warm to the touch due to its proximity to the sands. The galleries follow a curve, extending out on either side of the sands. A black-painted wooden railing that looks sturdy enough to keep the hatchlings away from the people and the people away from the hatchlings separates the two areas. Baskets of glows have been raised on intricately carved poles that line the aisles, ensuring that there is ample light to see by.

It's late in the evening, but the galleries are neither dark nor empty. There's a small pile of clothes (coat and sweater and such, if examined closely) on a bench in the first row, and Ginella, more lightly dressed than the weather outside would permit, is running up and down the gallery stairs. She appears to have been at it for a while, breathing audibly, and sweating.

Tripping down those stairs that Ginella jogs up and down comes another weyrwoman, her own coat already draped over her arm. As Ginella comes towards her, Roa quickly steps tot he side and into a row of seats so as to get get of the way. "Evening," she offers as the Bendenite gets close enough to hear.

Ginella is pretty concentrated on her running, it seems, so Roa's entrance isn't noticed, though once she ends up in her direct path, the presence registers. She slows even as Roa moves out of the way, and walks the last few steps towards the goldrider, offering a tired smile. "Hey, Roa," she says, a bit breathily. "How're you?"

"I'm well, thank you," is Roa's courteous reply. "And you?" One eyebrow arches. "Exercising?"

"Glad to hear that," Ginny replies, setting a hand on her waist and breathing deeply through her nose. "I'm well enough. Yes," she adds with a quick nod, and a similarly arched eyebrow. What else would she be doing? "It's raining too hard to run outside, and the stairs are good hard work, anyway. Speaking of hard work," she segues, "How are you finding being senior?"

"I find it to be hard work," Roa chuckles, shoulders lifting and falling as she lowers herself onto the bench. "I find it a little surreal, really. You know, or do you, that the guards have a cavern they train in and morning workouts are open for other to join? I'm not sure what they'd think if a weyrwoman showed up although..." Roa's lips quirk faintly, "I suspect the idea is less peculiar these days than it used to be."

Ginella doesn't sit, instead bouncing just a little on the balls of her feet and shifting one leg out to stretch a little. "I'm not surprised," she replies before nodding, "And I did know that. The Headmaster has been training with them for a while, even before they were open to everyone. I've considered going, but... I prefer to run on my own, really." She brushes wisps of hair back with a hand, and lifts one shoulder in a shrug, "Probably not that surprising, no. But now that there aren't regular attacks anymore, there's no reason not to just run, so...." Another shrug. "How is Ashwin handling the change, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Well, this is a fine place for solitary running. At least for the next few sevens." Roa leans back a little, head canting to the side as she considers. "He's handling it well, I think. He wouldn't really say if he wasn't, but I almost think this is easier. I'm a known quantity, now. I'm not being watched in the same way, or bet on. Things are settled, and I think things being settled suits him better."

"It usually is," Ginny agrees, "So long as there isn't a clutch, of course. Might as well get it in while I can." Her breathing is back to normal, by now, and she takes a seat on the bench just across from Roa, stretching one leg out and reaching for her toe. "Well, that's good. I guess just having it over with one way or the other must be a relief." She's silent for a moment, stretching, then asks: "So, is it what you thought it would be? Being Senior, I mean. How does it compare to what you expected, or what you were trained for?"

"I don't know," Roa says after a moment of quiet consideration. "I was never exactly trained up to be senior, at Telgar. And R'vain's not...neither of us are really the typical sorts for the job, I suppose." She leans forward, resting her hands on her knees. "In some ways, it's better than I thought. In other ways, it's worse. It's a little terrifying and I'm...I mean...this is it. This is the rest of my life. I don't know how to wrap my head around that."

Ginella folds one knee back to the side and leans back onto her hands, listening silently as the question is answered. "Ah," she offers once, during an early pause, then she falls silent again, to finally begin to nod, and then stop suddenly at the end. "Wow," she says, "I'd never really thought of it like that, but... I guess it is, in a way, isn't it? The goal of a goldrider's life is to be Senior Weyrwoman, and now you are. So... that's sort of it, almost. I mean, obviously there's a lot to do," she adds quickly, "But in a way, you're finished. That's a strange thought."

"It's scary, is what it is," Roa murmurs, studying her fingers. "Limiting as much as it's freeing. It's...I really don't know. It's a box. I walked right in. The door closed. I feel like I've just now noticed."

Ginella leans further back, and nods. "I can understand that," she replies, on her elbows, now. "Still. It's a rather large box, if we're to keep with that metaphor. It's not like you haven't got any room to move around. What do you plan to make of it?"

"That is the question, isn't it," Roa concedes with a small nod. "For now, I just want Reaches stable, a successful hatching and a smooth transition. If we can manage that, then I suppose I'll be begin prowling around for something else."

"The transition thus far has seemed pretty smooth," Ginella points out, "Are you still expecting there to be some issue? It seems like it would have happened already if it were going to. A successful hatching, of course, is needed... but I would have imagined you and R'vain would be thinking beyond that by now? How is working with him, anyway?"

"It's different than I'd thought. Better." The admission comes with a little shrug. "I knew he wanted it. I didn't realize that he'd thought about it, though, if that makes any sense." Roa's hands lace, wrists dangling over her knees. "He listens. We talk. It's a joint effort, and that matters to me."

"As in, had made plans about things he wanted to do and how to do them?" Ginella asks, leaning forward and switching legs, "Interesting. Who's have thought he'd be able to even keep a plan in his head with all the wine." She nods along, stretching for her toe, "That's good, though. That it's working well for you. Do you find that your goals for the weyr are compatible for the most part?"

There is a small nod. "I think so, for the most part," Roa agrees. "We have slightly different interests. Things we each wish to focus on. And mostly, they compliment each other."

"Interesting," Ginella replies, back on her hands with another faint nod, "I would have expected him to be the traditional sort, really. Conservative. But good that you work well together. That will certainly help build stability. A pair who try to pull the place in completely different directions would be about the last straw, I'd think."

"I'd think so too. I suppose it's something we're both aware of. Maybe that helps. It ought to." Roa finally lifts a hand to wipe at her brow, the heat becoming great enough to affect even her scrawny self. "I'd better head out. Ashwin gets off duty soon."

Ginella nods, "It can't hurt, at least," she agrees. She echoes the wiping motion, brushing hair back off her temples and nodding as the Weyrwoman makes to leave. "And I ought to get another set in, so I can be back by the time T'ral is home," she replies with a smile. "Good night, Roa."

The Reachian weyrwoman stands and scoots out from the stands. "Good night, Ginella." Another smile is offered before Roa heads down towards the sands and the up the steps that will take her directly to her weyr. Perks of the position, and all that.


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