Sep 01, 2005 13:58
Dude i just went by the gas station and damn the earth and its natural disasters. What the heck is our biggest oil thingy doing down there. I swear man gas when up almost a dollar in a day and a half. that means to fill up my 12 gallon tank it will take 42 dollars. Damn I just wish taht I could win that 500 hundred dollars worth of free gas from my bank. I mean it would last only like 3 months maybe. But still it would help. I just hope that i can afford the car payment and school when it comes up. I really need to get going with school.
I just cant believe how bad the economy is getting and the reason why is because of this damn war that i was forced to participated in. I mean i am proud to be a marine and all but dammit we need to bring everybody home. But the biggest thing is the gas. I meant i seen that fx original movie called Oil storm where the gas got up to 5 bucks a gallon well we are not that far away. Anyway I am praying that the prices go down or else i will just be working to pay for the gas.
over and out captain.