Dec 06, 2008 00:31
So I'm sick.
I was in England for 8 days, and I think it was the combination of sleeping on hard hard floors with no support or anything (my poor hips), getting up at stupid times, going to sleep at even sillier times (at the latest, 5 in the morning), and eating odd food at odd times.
Those are what I do not miss one iota about being a student. It was ridiculously cold there, and I think it didn't help that one day I went out in shorts for a little too long. I have a sore throat, and a questionable stomach.
I called PGL today, and they've sent the reference letters out, but no one has got them. Damn it.
I was going to call them back monday, and switch one US reference for a UK one, and ask them to send them again. I don't know who the blame falls at for that one.
I am still keeping my ear to the ground for potential jobs, and I think my dad has a new idea I'm going to explore this weekend. I don't really feel up to anything right now though, hopefully understandably.
Not much else is going on here really. The christmas season is fast approaching, and I think next weekend we're putting the tree up.
I have decided that I am going to make a genuine effort (I know I may have said this before..), to post here a load more. Hopefully you guys can put up with the lack of activity in my life for a little while at least.
EDIT: To commemorate OJ getting (I believe) what he deserves, I am going to reread 'If I did it' tonight.
Also, has anyone seen that show 'Brotherhood'? I've recently started it, and am on the 5th episode of the first season. I like it a whole lot.