Jun 16, 2015 12:49
I did the Tulsa Tough Gran Fondo on Saturday. It was 109-110 miles depeding on where you look for info. I don't have my own data because my garmin crashed shortly after 100 miles. To clarify, the operating system crashed; I stayed upright the whole time.
Anyway it was 110 miles and around 5,000ft of climbing. We finished in 7 hours 16 minutes and about 6 hours 30 minutes of that was actual riding. Our first stop was at 50 miles. I finished 12th out of 35 women and 110 out of 227 overall. Somehow, the scanner for the timed climb didn't pick up my timing chip so I have no data for that. I wasn't trying terribly hard to go up it fast though.
About hills: I can no longer believe anyone who says "The rest is rollers.", "It's just some rollers." or "This is the last hill." They are probably lying.
Triple Bypass in 3 weeks (!!!!) is 120 miles and 10,000ft of climbing. Johnny and I figured this would be a good barometer of how we are doing in out training. We think we'll be fine. I seem to get cranky shortly after we hit 100 (seriously, I was happy and excited when the ticker hit 100 but by 105 I was not so happy) and it's not the first time that's happened. See the Dam Jam 111 miles - both times I did it: I really dislike those last 10 miles. However, by 100 miles into TB we will have been going downhill for 10 miles with another 20 of downhill to go. And we get the two biggest climbs done first. AND since they are built as trails they won't be a steep as the regular roads we ride around here. We looked at elevation and grade charts to determine this. So, we will be fine. Tired and likely to avoid moving the next day but fine.