Mar 03, 2006 22:18
Can you name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people.
*this is a lot funnier if you actually list the names first!! No cheating!!!*
1. Brandini
2. Eric
3. Zilka
4. Alison
5. Sean
6. Sarver
7. Scott Wolfe
8. Sarah Baker
9. Kevin
10. Molly
11. Neely
12. Nicole Mackey
13. Jonathan
14. Beth
15. Minion Jimmie
16. Perrin
17. Judy
18. Melissa
19. Cory
20. Brandon (B)
21. Dustin
Now answer the questions according to the names listed below
How did you meet 10?
COSI…we both work as cows and started at about the same time.
What would you do if you had never met 6?
cry. He is an amazing person and I don’t know what I would do without having his support at COSI.
What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
Have to admit I had turned B gay. If it ever happens it would be my fault…and Kelly might kill me.
Have you ever seen 4 cry?
we have seen each other cry multiple times…it is what best friends are for
Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
NO NO NO! Sunil and John would both hate me. They also both like boys not girls.
Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
they better not! That is all I can say about that! They better not!
Describe 8:
Freakin adorable. She was totally the cute roommate. What can I say her dimples are better than mine. Sometimes you have to know when you lose.
Do you like 12?
no I just share hotel rooms with her…dumb question
Do you think 21 is attractive:
ummm loaded question….lets just say I have kissed him and leave it at that
Tell me something about 17:
she is my sister! I have shared a twin sized bed with her more than once and I love her.
What's 7's favorite color?
shit I really should know this…clear b.c he is a jerk like that…though I think it is actually something else. Sorry little brother I SUCK!
What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
tell her she needs to seek another profession…
When was the last time you talked to number 19?
about two weeks ago…I live with his fam half of my time at home
What language does 13 speak?
well if you ask him French, Spanish, English…if you ask the rest of the world you might not get the same answer
Who is 2 going out with?
ummmm again loaded question…:-\ he’s pretty though and I like him.
What grade is 16 in?
College grad…older than me!
What is 5's favorite music?
something funky…I can’t remember what it is
Would you ever date 7?
he’s my little brother…
Would you ever date 1?
dude her job will never let it happen and well I like boys which she is not
Is 11 single?
sure isn’t
What is 10s last name?
Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship wit 3?
we are in a serious friendship…anything else no!
Where does 18 live?
Gahanna with the cutest baby ever, her husband and grandma
What do you think about 20?
my longest and dearest friend
What is the best thing about 4?
she would cross the ocean for me if I needed her.
What would you like to tell 14 right now?
I miss her like crazy and really want to talk to her again. She was my camp-in sanity and there is definitely COSI scoop she would want to hear.
How did you meet 9?
becoming a COW
What is the best and worst thing about 2?
he makes me smile…a lot…worst he knows my weaknesses, well some of them.
Are you going to know 15 forever?
I would like to, but who knows where the cards will fall for all of us.