HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! I hope you all had a great New Year's Eve and enjoyed the fireworks and the food and the company and everything.
MY THREAD Although it's 2016 already, I decided to post a 2015 icon dump because I didn't have the time before. I also decided to participate in the "Best of #15 Icon Nominations", so all of the icons below are eligible for the nominations.
001 Agent Carter
003 Arrow
002 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
001 Criminal Minds
003 Hart of Dixie
001 iZombie
002 Leverage
002 Mulan
007 Once Upon a Time
001 Pretty Little Liars
034 Supernatural
001 Teen Wolf
001 The Chronicles of Narnia
004 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
003 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Leverage, Criminal Minds, Once Upon a Time, Arrow, Agent Carter
Our October and November activity was to make icons for the theme "When Summer's Gone". Here are my results in the order of my original submission.
001 - 005
+alts: Leverage, iZombie
006 - 007
Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Mulan, The Chronicles of Narnia
In December we had a little Secret Santa activity for which we made one icon as a gift for each participant. In order, they are for
sietepecados and
008 - 011
Hart of Dixie, Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf
For our 13th activity, we had a little "Summer Jam" and made summer-inspired icons.
012 - 016
Once Upon a Time, Arrow
In October we had a little "Halloween Horror Festival". These are my icons.
017 - 018
+alts: Once Upon a Time
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The November activity was a flashback activity but I wasn't fast enough to enter my icons.
020 - 023
ouatchallenge → Once Upon a Time;
thehuntergames → Supernatural
024 - 028
029 - 033
034 - 035
We picked ten characters and five themes for "A Very Supernatural Icon Battle" and made one icon each for each character and theme. For the themes, we could choose any character we wanted. Hover for characters and themes.
036 - 040
041 - 045
046 - 050
051 - 055
056 - 058
Mulan, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
059 - 062
TV Shows
Arrow, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural
063 - 066
Comments are really appreciated.
Credit monstersinyou or roaringtree please.
Stealing is evil - don't do it.
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