Well, what can I say? It's been a while and I'm behind on the requests I took in January or February and on the Ask the Maker stuff which I promise I will get done eventually. For now, I bring some new (and not so new) icons I made over the past weeks and maybe couple of months. Some of these were made for challenges, others just because I'm really into a few not-so-new-but-new-to-me shows and yeah. I'm too tired to write down all the communities' names I made the challenge icons for, so if you recognise them, that's nice; if not, well then you see them for the first time.
I also put my battle icons for the Teen Wolf Battle in here which I'm sure most of you already saw over
here (if you haven't, make sure to check the other makers' icons - they're amazing).
Anyway, enjoy the icons and if you see something you like, you can still request tutorials at this year's Ask the Maker activity (or just ask for tutorials or PSDs here because I'm thinking about opening a PSD request post anyway).
018 Agents of SHIELD
012 Arrow
001 Gilmore Girls
002 Lost
001 Once Upon a Time
001 Pretty Little Liars
004 Supernatural
018 Teen Wolf
TV Shows
Agents of SHIELD, Arrow, Gilmore Girls, Lost, Once Upon a Time, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural
001 - 005
006 - 010
011 - 015
016 - 020
021 - 025
026 - 030
031 - 035
036 - 039
Teen Wolf
We picked thirteen characters and themes and could mix and match as we wanted. Hover to see which character goes with which theme.
040 - 044
045 - 049
050 - 054
055 - 057
Comments are really appreciated.
Credit monstersinyou or roaringtree please.
Stealing is evil - don't do it.
Friend/Join this community if you feel like it.