Jan 29, 2004 14:58
on CBC right now, they are having a "virtual holiday" with happy tropical music and fruity drinks. a way to help with the January Blahs. aha! i'm not the only one! at least it's only raining here and not bitterly cold and snowy like other areas of the province.
i'm supposed to go grocery shopping shortly, but i can't seem to get enthused about venturing out into the pouring rain. sigh.
so baby movements are getting common now. mostly when i am lying or sitting still, i can feel these little bumps - kinda like a muscle spasm of a big muscle that twitches once or twice. that's the only way i can describe it to someone who hasn't experienced pregnancy.
and now, a little list of Things NOT To Say To A Pregnant Woman:
(can you believe people actually DO say these things!?)
1)"I think you're having a girl, because your a$$ is huge." (by a woman in church)
2)"You're really gaining weight now - your face is fuller and everything."
3)"You must be having a girl. When you have a girl, you lose all of your beauty."
4)"Oh, you're pregnant? I thought maybe you were just gaining weight...had eaten too much over the holidays...were just getting hefty."
5)"Wow, you're enormous!" (no, just 18 weeks pregnant)
6)"Are you sure you're not expecting twins?"
7)"Was this planned?" (Is that any of your business?? And if it wasn't, would I really want to discuss it?)
8)"But aren't you excited?" (I'm very excited but right now I'm exhausted and cranky and my back hurts and anyway I don't emote on command).
9)"Why are you so emotional?"
10)"Wow, I can tell you're really starting to pig out."
11)"You're so small, are you sure there's a baby in there?"
12)"Are you making sure you eat well? You should look up what you should be eating."
13)"You don't act pregnant" (this was at 15 weeks or so) Not really sure how to "act pregnant" but apparently there is some way to do that.
14)"I can't believe you're already so far along. You still look so good" Umm, hello, I'm not "that far along" first off (she said this just last week) and why the hell shouldn't I still look good. It's not like I have a dread illness.
15)"Oh, you don't really need another baby, do you?"
anyhoo, off to get some stuff done...
Roaring B