tryin this thing

Apr 24, 2006 21:19

Sooo I decided that I am going to start to type the stuff I have to put into my project journal on here.

Monday April 24, 2006

Today was the first day of project. I went in to meet Mrs. Detlev and class. Intimidating. At firest I really wasn't sure what to do. I met a few teachers that work in the building; all told me one thing. "Once you start teaching, you will never change jobs. It is the best." I honestly believe them.
I learned a few kid's names; Savannah, Sean, Endi and Brandon. I also got caught up with what they have been learning. Mixed numbers, life cycles, and how to answer questions in complete sentences. In Science they are raising caterpillars to become butterflies. There is also an incubator on its way to raise chicks. I am thoroughly excited for that. i will also bring my snake as a class pet until I am done with this project. Tomorrow I will be working with a few kids on a play for Earth Day.
After lunch we did a few more activites about Earth Day. We also did timed mutliplication tests. They had 5 minutes to complete the test. Then, it was time to pack up and go on home.
I learned that you have to be very free with your plans. The kids may or may not understand what you are trying ot teach them. You may need to spend some extra time to get the concept taught. In the future I hope to be more active in the classroom and help more.
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