I have, much to my surprise, fallen madly in love.
After Boogie died, I'd planned to remain dog-free for a while, to give the cats time to settle (especially Rumpus, who hated Boogie fiercely). I thought that MAYBE, come spring-time, I'd think about it again, at the earliest.
Well, this week, one of my co-workers started bringing one of our dogs into the admin office. She's an approximately 8 year old golden retriever, found abandoned in a nearby town, tied to a lamppost. She's clearly had several litters of puppies, and when she was found, she had a severe infection in her girly bits and a ominous mass on her back.
Now she's healthy again: the mass biopsied as just an infected hair follicle, the infection is gone because, well, those bits are gone. :)
In the office, she was timid but very friendly, wanting to check everybody out, but not sure if she should. She stole my heart almost immediately by coming over and laying her head in my lap so she could gaze up at me.
She is absolutely beautiful, and one of the calmest, sweetest dogs I've ever seen. I took her home last night to see how the cats would react, and they either ignored her, or grudgingly checked her over. She, of course, pretty much ignored them.
Someone trained this dog. She has nearly impeccable leash manners, and knows commands like "sit" and "lie down".
So, she's going home with me today, for good.
This entry was originally posted at
http://roane.dreamwidth.org/888148.html, where there are