in the glorious haze of summer

Jul 06, 2009 03:18

For my sister's birthday (which was July 4th... lucky woman always gets fireworks!!), I bought her a book called 'Harry Potter Should Have Died' by Emerson Spartz and Ben Schoen of Mugglenet fame. (Yes, we are nerds.) But, it made me really nostalgic/excited, because a) I have seriously had a love affair with Harry Potter and b) the new movie is coming out next week!!!

I've also had my picture taken with Emerson Spartz. And the British guy, Jamie. It was definitely one of the highlights of my life.

Yep, so left to right it is random girl, Emerson, Alex (from the band The Remus Lupins), Jamie, and me.

It's Joe, one of the guys from Harry and the Potters! Woo, WRock.

Lulz. That's my hand on the left, and Ashley's on the right. Good times...

Lumos 2006 ftw.

lumos 2006, mugglenet, harry potter

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