Jun 03, 2013 17:35

Let me sum up, and add "So Say We All!":

"Years ago, before the show had even come out, a family member recommended the Song of Ice and Fire series to me and used the fact that George R.R. Martin isn't afraid to kill off main characters as a selling point. I respect that in a storyteller, but recently it's gotten to a point where I no longer trust where the story is even going. Is it fair for Martin and the showrunners to ask us to become invested in their characters only to punish us when we inevitably do? I honestly don't know the answer.

What I do know is that my GoT loyalties have become as flexible as Roose Bolton's.

As for the fates of the surviving characters (apart from Jaime, Brienne and Arya), I honestly could not give less of a fuck and — yeah — that goes for Dany and Tyrion as well. What can anyone expect? Punish us and call us stupid for caring enough and we're bound to stop caring entirely.

Look, I'll strike a deal. Martin and HBO can keep their red weddings and Theon torture scenes (really, I'm not trying to make anyone give anything up) and I will stay invested if — IF — Joffrey gets slapped across the face at least once for every terrible thing that befalls someone undeserving. Also, it's one thing to stay true to the books, but I would really prefer it if you didn't add additional fucked up shit like you did last night."

And I just stopped following GRRM's LJ page. Wanker.


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