Last week I tried YOGA for the first time. There are 3 different places to do so in my town. I avoided the one that wants to read my aura/energy vibes (cult! but tempting as it's right next door to Starbux). Went to an introductory session for beginners
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About all I can cope with is walking. And I have a DVD of exercises for people with osteoporosis (and I can only do some of them) which is more my speed than what was on tv but it gets boring...
But getting back to yoga, you don't have to do heated yoga. There are other kinds. If I hear of anything that sounds promising I can let you know.
I know that heat is supposed to be good for muscle relaxation so people don't over-extend/rip a muscle when stretching. I don't do that. I know how to "relax INTO" a stretch, not force it.
There's also Chair Yoga. :-) You might try that. I might also.
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Reply Sit Down To Lose Weight. Now, losing weight isn't YOUR problem at all, though it is mine. But if any of these movements helps one feel more "fit" (by whatever definition one has of that), it's something to try to do when doing more isn't an option.
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