she walked away in her dreams...

Jan 24, 2010 10:36

Jessilyn Schmeichel-Franklin. Thank you for being my catalyst and nurturing make-believe in my heart. A part of you will always be there. I hope you know that in the great beyond. May you be reborn in this lifetime with all the knowledge you gained in this life. I'll miss you, even though our paths separated a long time ago. Know that I always cared, even if I never told you. I have always, and will always, check in on you. I hope that you will do the same.

Rest in peace.


She always loved this picture.

Edit: "Four days ago Jessilyn started feeling bad. She was having body pain that was steadily getting worse. So she was admitted to Baylor of Garland. They determined that she had some type of blood disorder but test results w...on't be back till later in the week. Today she had a pretty rough day and her heart rate was getting high so they moved her to ICU. At 1:06 this morning she died at the age of 24." -- Family & Friends, via Facebook
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