[drabble] The Boss's Favorite [Saints Row]

Sep 15, 2009 01:53

Fandom: Saints Row 2
Pairing: Protagonist (Kat)/Carlos
Summary: After Carlos' run in with the Brotherhood, Kat realizes she feels more for Carlos than she originally thought.
Note: Actually a part of much bigger story, but this just suddenly came to me. The part before this should be done soon.

“Kat…” Carlos looked down, rubbing his neck. “Look, I never got to… thank you. Anybody else and they would have shot me, put me out of my misery… but you didn’t give up on me. I mean… that took a lot of guts…”

Kat felt her eyes burn, like they had when she finally was able to see him alone in the hospital. She blinked, taking a deep breath. The Boss didn’t cry in front of her lieutenants. A leader was supposed to be detached…

Looking back over at Carlos, Kat met his eyes and felt the burn give way to a hot burn down her cheeks. A part of her felt like screaming, angry at revealing so much. A part of her felt whole. That side of her pushed her forward and Kat took Carlos’ face gently in her hands. A shiver ran through her at the sight of his big, confused, brown eyes and she pressed her lips against his.

Five years of mental solitude crashed around her, his lips and hands seeming to rip down walls she had built after Troy, after Julius.

Kat opened her eyes suddenly when she realized he was pulling away. She blinked, looking around a little to make sure she wasn’t just having a dream. Instead she found Carlos holding her arms around his neck, his forehead pressed against hers.

“Hold up…” He let his hands graze down her arms and pulled at her jean loops to get her to move from her side of the couch to his. She straddled him, keeping her arms around his neck. He let his hands rest on her waist and looks slightly embarrassed. “Do you kiss all your lieutenants like that, Boss?”

A rare smile pulled at her lips. “Only you, Carlos.”

Her lieutenant looked up, looking serious and ready for anything she threw at him. She leaned down and brushed his lips with hers again and Carlos followed suite with surprising ferocity.

It was only when she heard footsteps that she faltered and pulled her piece from the back of her jeans and threatened any living soul who dared bother her at that moment. Far off, Shaundi and Pierce quickly turned on their heels, heading back to the elevator.

“Ulp, club closed guys! Fuck off, or there’s going to be a bullet for each of us!” Pierce yelled.


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