[fic] Stealing Faces [ghost hunters]

Jul 22, 2008 18:52

*counts* My third fic in 24 hours?? WTF people. Lets not jinx it.

Title: "Stealing Faces"
Fandom: Ghost Hunters
Pairing: possibly implied Steve/Tango
Rating: PG
Summary: While at the Hellfire Club investigation, Tango goes to the closet where the elemental was first seen and gets an unexpected attack. Tango POV.
Disclaimer: I don't own or know TAPS or Ghost Hunters and this was not written to speak slander or make money. Just remember, it's all pretend.
Note: No Beta. Crossposted at ghosthunters_ff.

Inside the closet, Dave knew he shouldn't have heard his friend's voice, but it pulled him in, inch by inch. He could see the slump of strong, but relaxed shoulders and the ever present cap.

"Hey Tango, come here. You gotta see this." It was Steve's voice and words - but something was off.

Even though he knew his friend was somewhere in Warwick; somewhere safe and hopefully not worrying too much about them - seeing his silhouette made him hope so bad that that was him. It was weird investigating without him. He should have been beside him, staring at the black mass that just moved closer to the back.

"David, don't be goin' any closer." Barry commanded, his hand pulling back on Dave's shirt.

The elemental turned towards Dave.

It had Steve's face.

"What'cha seein', David? I can feel the cold..." Barry tugged harder to get Dave to pull back, but he hardly registered it.

"It's... Steve." Dave breathed out, mist drifting up between his and the beings eyes. They seemed to flash red under the brim of Steve's hat.

Inside the closet, the light began to fade and he started to see familiar places fall out of his own memory and take shape around them. Barry's grip on his shirt disappeared and for the moment he was safe inside the house he had first met TAPS in.

If it was trying to scare him; trying to taint a good memory - it was doing a poor job of it.

The room changed to simple darkness, an emptiness surrounding him where there should have been investigators. Maybe he should stop thinking.

Steve's face was suddenly inches from his, red eyes burning into his own. "Does wearing his face anger you?"

Dave blinked, realizing he wasn't afraid. He actually had to laugh a little. It was as if his friend was trying a new approach to a prank, but he knew him well enough not to give in.

"No." He reached forward and pushed his hand past the thick shadow. The room shuddered and began to lighten. "I'm sorry, whatever happened to you, you don't deserve to be stuck here."

The creature realed back, losing his friend's face and control over the energy in the room. Barry's hand returned, but now his jeans were being tugged backwards by the belt loop.

It was an unexpected jolt when the elemental rushed forward, pushing Tango back out into the hall and disappearing down the opposite way they had come from. Barry had already grabbed his bottle of holy water, prepared to defend his new teammate, but nothing happened.

Barry sighed, tucking the bottle back into his pocket. "God help us, you actually scared the thing."

"Dark entities can't work with good energy like forgiveness." Dave pointed out, getting up with the older man's help.

"Good job. Best be off though, it'll come looking for us again."


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