[fic] Tag [ghost hunters]

Jul 21, 2008 16:28

Title: "Tag"
Fandom: Ghost Hunters
Pairing: Steve&Tango
Genre: General
Rating: PG-13 for one f-word use
Summary: Tango gets the experience he was hoping for on a third visit to St. Augustine.
Disclaimer: I don't own or know TAPS or Ghost Hunters and this was not written to speak slander or make money. Just remember, it's all pretend.
Note: First time Ghost Hunters fic and no beta. So be gentle but helpful. Thank you to nakannalee for the inspiration. Crossposted at ghosthunters_ff.


It was cold.

No, cold let him move his feet, his fingers - his body. It was freezing. It was sub-zero in a room that should have been humid. It was a hot summer in St. Augustine and the breeze off the water had been filtering into the stuffy rooms all night. They had been complaining about it under their breath any time the sound guys took a break.

Just seconds ago he had been saying something to Steve about nothing important, anything to keep them awake. Now he wished he could push words out of his mouth instead of shaky puffs of air.

"Steve, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Dave asked, trying hard to move at least a finger to graze Steve's hand.

The room ahead of them had been swallowed in shadow - in darkness. A part of him knew, if and when it dissipated, Jay might laugh at his description of it. They always said to trust your instincts and don't let your fear get to you - but Tango knew this was far beyond anything anyone had ever experienced on TAPS.

Every logical thought Dave had been having stopped. The wall of shadow moved forward and he could see forms inside it. The amount of energy the spirits had sucked out of the room was suffocating and he wasn't surprised that now it was making contact.

The cold that had settled over him shifted and chills ran up his body. Warmth rushed through him and he could finally move his legs. As the shadowy wisps of figures came closer, Dave pushed himself up off the floor and pulled at Steve's arm. There was no response and he felt himself fall forward.

One solid breath grazed his arm and he was back on the floor beside Steve.

His friend wasn't even conscious, he was deep in sleep.

A childlike giggle made Dave turn back towards the darkness and found it had disappeared. In it's place a little girl, with wisps of features, stood bouncing from foot to foot. She looked anxious and ready to run off, as if wanting to play tag with him.

"Steve, you gotta wake up." Dave shoved at his friend, afraid that the cold was going to make him too numb again.

The girl's face seemed to smile and then her laugh rushed over him, making his skin tingle. "Come play with me." She backed away, the girl's features fading into her own shadowy form.


Dave blinked and suddenly Steve was in front of him, his hands on his shoulder, shaking him hard. Someone had turned on the power and anyone that wasn't part of the camera crew was hovering around with concerned faces.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except for Tango who realized he had been short of breath. "What happened?"

Jay appeared beside Steve, bending down to his level. "Temperature dropped, Steve says you fell asleep while you two were talking."

Steve nodded, still gripping his shoulders. "You okay, man? You were telling me to wake up in your sleep."

He rubbed at his arms, still feeling cold. "I saw something... a little girl." Dave looked around, trying to see if maybe, just maybe, there was a shadow that had filtered out of his dream and into reality.

The same giggle, more muffled now than in the dream, filled Dave with a nauseous excitement. What he wasn't expecting, was the entire team to hear it as well, turning towards the door.

Suddenly, he saw it, a shadow moving in and out of the light. It reached the door and the wood shuddered.

"Oh frig." Grant breathed as Kris started taking pictures and Jay made sure to capture it with his hand held camera.

Dave looked down to find his own hand held pointed directly at the door. Something was pulling him forward, and it wasn't Steve, who's hands had dropped from his shoulders.

"It's her... I..." He pushed Steve as gently as he could to the side before getting up and rushing towards the door. "She wants me to follow her!"

The whole team moved forward as Dave ran out of the room and through the hallway until he was in the ballroom. Once he was there, he stopped long enough to watch the shadow drift in and out of the light again and then return to hallway.

Behind him, Dave heard Jay breathless, yelling to the crew. "Everybody have your camera's on! Somebody turn off the power again!"

He was hardly aware of anyone though as he followed after the small shadow that lead him through the home and outside onto the grounds. The girl headed into the lighthouse and Tango thought to slow down so the rest of the team and the film crew could catch up. He kept pushing forward though, slamming into the door so hard he was sure he would be paying to fix it.

The tingle of the hit only kept him from holding onto the railing of the stairs for a moment as he took each step two at a time. The echo of laughter and pounding feet made him as dizzy as the lack of air he was getting. He was going to have to stop soon, but the excitement of an experience was too much to let go of.

Dave pushed himself forward as hard as he could, reaching the top of the lighthouse just as everyone else was reaching the second landing. He could hear them yelling for him, feet and voices rising up and shaking the metal stairs, but he could only respond to the shadow quickly drifting out onto the platform outside.

Somewhere in his mind he knew that someone had locked each door with a padlock, but there he was standing outside on the platform that circled the top of the lighthouse. It was unnaturally cold and the wind he knew should have been humid was so strong he had to hold onto the railing.

"I beat you..." A small voice said to him, the shadow fading in and out of existence. It didn't have enough energy to stay solid for long, and he was feeling sleepy again.

The weight of the last few moments suddenly hit him as the shadow faded. He felt the humid air push him forward as it hit the side of the lighthouse. Weak and slightly delirious from the exertion, Tango thought he might fall over the railing, but he clung tightly to the metal bar. The view and moment were amazing, but he was feeling sick at the drop below him.

It was then that arms wrapped tightly around his waist and pulled him backwards. The force was so hard that he and whoever had grabbed him fell back and landed on the inside landing. He rolled off, looking at his rescue when he was safely on his stomach. Steve laid flat on his back, breathing hard and holding onto the floor. He had been the only one to reach the top, everyone else was watching from the second to last landing.

Tango breathed out a laugh, reaching out to take Steve's free hand. The other man gripped it tight, a smile only visible from the moonlight filtering through the door. Just reaching the top was brave enough.

"Good job, Tango." Steve breathed.

Dave watched as the shadows of the team and crew slowly made their way back down. They didn't try to move, the weight of the event keeping them rooted to the metal platform.

"Thanks Steve..." He rolled over and watched as the moon lit up the world around them. Somewhere he could still hear a little girl laughing. "Thanks."


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