[fic] Geekfest [Generation X, Jubilee/Angelo]

Jul 06, 2008 02:01

Title: "Geekfest"
Fandom: Marvel, Generation X (with a mention of Doctor Who)
Implied Spoilers: “Journey’s End” episode of Doctor Who
Pairing: Jubilee/Angelo
Summary: Jubilee has a bit of a reaction to the finale. Enter Angelo.
Note: I wrote this in about 10 minutes. So don't expect top quality writing folks.

It was late. No, it was early. Time didn’t quite make sense to a startled; bat wielding Angelo, who was sure he had just heard a small explosion from downstairs. In the dorm hallways, no one stirred. Obviously, it would have to take something much louder than the usual explosion, probably caused by Jubilee or Jono, to wake anyone who would care.

Easing down the hallway outside of the rec room, he smelt the familiar scent of burning plastic and the smoking remains of something that probably cost Emma a lot of money to buy. It caused him to stop half way to the open rec room door, set the bat down, and sigh with realization.

“Jubicita, are you okay?” Angelo asked, peeking into the room in case she was still upset and ready to blow something else up.

He found his teammate was sniffling on the couch, her laptop lying safely on her lap as the fancy new television Emma had updated their rec room with months ago - smoked.

“Having a geek fest?”

She nodded, unable to make coherent words from the trauma of a show’s climatic episode.

“Character death?”

She shrugged.

“Failed romance?”

She shrugged again.

“Still processing?”

Jubilee nodded finally, looking at him with big, blue, doe eyes that made him kind of want to hit her - but in a ‘ugh, get over it’ sort of way.

“You know Emma’s gonna to ban Doctor Who for a whole month when she finds out about the TV, right?”

“I think it’ll take that long to heal this gaping wound!” She mustered, dramatically falling over onto the couch just to mess with him.

He sighed, not moving from his spot in the doorway “Keep that up and I won’t take go with you to the Sci-Fi convention.”

She perked up and was over the couch and by his side before he could even try and head for the stairs.

“Alright, alright - but you’d still go anyway. You want to see half-naked alien babes and get your TAPS photo signed.” Jubilee teased, following close behind him as he went up the stairs, back to their rooms.

Angelo smirked at the barely lit stairway in front of him. “You have no room to talk.”

He could feel her grinning. “It wouldn’t be any fun without you.”

When they finally reached their rooms, Angelo expected to turn to see Jubilee disappearing back into her own. He was surprised to find her hands pulling his head down to her level, her lips meeting his.

The kiss was brief and salty, but it left a lingering burn that he admitted would later keep him up at night.

“What was that for?” He had to ask, watching her quietly head back to her room across the hall.

Jubilee tapped her laptop. “Guess you’re just going to have to watch the episode to find out.”

With that, she faded into the blackness of her room and closed the door, leaving Angelo to silently curse her for taunting his curiosity.


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