[drabbles] unfinished drabbles - Generation X

Mar 14, 2008 21:29

I try to get out any scribblings in my spiral while at school. It helps.

It was raining the day Gateway appeared on the front lawn. He had safely brought with him the youngest of Generation X and all the guests who had fallen in with them. Artie and Leech were the first out of the circle of light, rushing across the grass to tackle Jubilee.

Leech rambled excitedly about their adventures before Jubilee could steady herself and the umbrella. She laughed, rubbing their bald heads. “Okay. Okay! Go inside, we’ll talk later, okay? Promise.”

“Okay! Come on, Franklin!” Leech called back to the Academy’s newest student. He quietly passed Jubilee, who squeezed his shoulder before walked over to Gateway and the troupe following Howard.

“Hey you.” Jubilee smirked at the silent, tanned teleporter. “Thanks for bringing everybody back.”

He bowed his head before the air popped and he was gone in a flash of light.

& & &

“Oh cute, Mascots.” Angelo took a drag of his cigarette and eyed Leech warily.

“Shut up Ange, they’ve had it tough enough without you teasing them.” Jubilee ran her hand over Artie’s bumpy head as she dozed in the grass. It had been a long night and everyone, especially the new additions to the Academy, was tired.

& & &

“Hey, when did a private school move in?” Angelo heard a customer say as Jubilee slid into the café seat.

& & &
“We gotta go.” Jubilee could be seen across the hallway packing clothes into a satchel.

Angelo felt a weight build up in his stomach. “What’s going on?”

It was a stupid question, or so Jubilee told him with the look in her eyes. She continued to carefully pack, her experience clear in the choices she was making.

“I just heard Emma talking to a child welfare worker. They’re coming to look into you, me, Artie, and Leech.” She walked over to her closet and started to pull out hoodies and coats to wear besides her yellow raincoat.

“But Emma can scramble-” Angelo caught the coat suddenly thrown at him.

“They know that - they have a telepath coming to investigate. They realized it when I disappeared off the map after I started living at Xavier’s. They came there to bring me back to Juvi and then get me with relatives in Hong Kong.” She grabbed her box of photos and took out a photo of her parents, and one of the X-men before pulling out a picture of the team’s first cook out. “Emma and Xavier have been covering for us for years - we can’t let them do that any more. I can’t spend the next four years in China with relatives I haven’t seen since I was five. You can’t go back to your mom’s. We can’t let Artie or Leech go into foster homes… They’ll send us to Juvi.”

Angelo was already out of her room and stuffing everything he owned into the back he had brought with him when he moved in. “We’ll take the bus to Boston and then see how far the train can take us.”

“We’ll need image inducers for all of us. “I’ll bring the credit card Xavier gave me for emergencies.”

“He gave you a credit card?” Angelo sounded skeptical.

“Wolvie used to say, you never know where you’re going to be at the end of the day.” She closed her door and leaned into his room. “I left Paige a note, I’m going to start packing Leech and Artie’s bags. “She was gone before he could ask how they were going to sneak out and slip by Sean and Emma.

By the time Angelo was packed and a note to Jonothan and Everett was written, backs for Artie and Leech were packed and Jubilee was teaching them about the image inducers.

“…going to have to remember that you have to look like Ange and me.” Jubilee looked back at him and motioned for him to close the door before she went back to Artie’s fake watch. “When you need to tell us something, you’re going to have to sign, okay? I know your still learning, but we can’t let anyone see your images until were safe in a motel.”

Artie nodded and signed. “I’ll try.”

Leech fiddled with his watch and grumbled. “I haven’t gotten a name yet…”

“What about Jimmy?” Jubilee turned to Leech, gently swatting his hands. “You liked that name.”

“Ms. Frost says…” He looked down when Jubilee looked him in the eye.

“This is your choice, Leech. No one gave you a name - and you are not a leech. If you like Jimmy, you’re Jimmy, okay?”

He nodded, leaning against Artie’s arm as if to be sure his friend agreed.

“Okay guys.” Angelo stepped in, but not before he took their favorite stuffed animals and handed them over. “We’re taking the ‘young family’ route, aren’t we?”

Jubilee nodded. “It’s the best cover. Wolvie and I used it all the time when we traveled.”

“Okay,” Angelo found his inducer and thought about his skin the way it used to be before it turned grey. When he was sure of his mental image, he looked down at his bare arms and felt a shiver at the sight of normality.

Jubilee reached over and gave his arm a squeeze. Her hair was longer and her blue eyes were brown. “Alright, you both need to mix our looks, whatever you want, so you look like our kids. We’re lucky you’re short.” She poked Artie’s stomach teasingly. “So don’t make yourself older than eight or nine, okay?”

“But I’m eleven…” Leech moped. He really was having issues with being on the run again.

“I know, Jimmy. I know. But Angelo and I can only pretend we’re in our early twenty’s. You have to be at least eight or nine for it to work. We’re already going to get people asking when we had you.

Angelo did the math and groaned inwardly. He knew people were going to eye him and him the ‘for shame’ looks that said ‘you got your fifteen year old girlfriend pregnant’. Luckily, it wasn’t true and he could tell them off with ‘yeah, but I stayed’. He gave Jubilee a glance. She was too good at this. She knew what would win people over and what would keep them safe.

“…take the train.” Angelo clued back into Jubilee’s lecture and realized she was mapping out the first day.

Paige was right - Jubilee was secretly a leader.

“We’re heading to California first.” Angelo decided. “I need to make sure they don’t get to my mom first.”

Artie fluxuated between a multitude of looks that mixed between Angelo and Jubilee’s looks before he settled on Jubilee’s Chinese features and Angelo’s tanned skin. Leech looked more like Angelo, but he had Jubilee’s raven hair and large brown eyes.

“Good, we’ll have to change at our first stop when they start putting pictures up of us on the news. “Jubilee reached through the image induced over the boys and fixed their coats. “You guys ready?”

Both boys nodded, taking each others hands. Jubilee took lead with the kids following close behind and Angelo taking the back.

& & &

It was winter in the Berkshire Mountains and Christmas Eve, for those who recognized. Xavier Academy was out for Winter break and those who were able to were out and about at the local festivals and finished last minute shopping. Paige and Jubilee were already done with their own shopping, having done so the weekend after break started, but the boys, Angelo, Jonothan, and Everett, were behind. It didn't matter as much to those who were going home for Christmas, but it was an unspoken agreement between everyone that those staying at the Academy for the holidays, needed presents, as they had no home to go to and only Xavier's was family enough to remember them.

Money was already gone, polite presents sent via mail days after leaving. Everett would be the next to leave, along side Jonothan and Paige, all running off in different directions. Sean was going to spend Christmas with his daughter, but Emma gladly decided to stay at the Academy instead of visiting with her own family at one of the estates. Her students were better company than any of her sisters.

"Man, it's going to be weird with you guys gone till January." Jubilee groaned, chewing one of the fresh mall made pretzels. She watched Everett thinking over something in Sam Goody's before trailing over to where Angelo was stressing out about crappy jewelry in Claire's. Jonothan was somewhere, but she was sure Paige had tabs on him.

"Don't worry about it. It won't be like back at Xavier's. You'll have Angelo and Penance - and this will be Artie and Leech's first Christmas here." Paige pointed out, texting on her celphone. Jonothan's music note symbol bounced around and caused Jubilee to grin.

"Yeah well, I guess." She sighed, pulling down her sunglasses.

& & &

He carefully pressed his hands against the back of her hips, thumbs pressing into the stressed points of her spine. As he massaged pressure into them, he head a low moan escape Jubilee. She leaned back to relax against him closing her eyes as she reached for his hands and brought them up to wrap around the space just below her breasts. He buried his face into her hair, soft from a recent shower.

The room ignored them, their closeness nothing to the oblivious mentors.

& & &

She nuzzled the soft skin under his jaw and felt goosebumps spread down his chest and making his nerves pool at the bottom of his stomach.

“Jubes…” Angelo muttered into her hair, his hands grazing her hip that had gotten closer in a small amount of time.

“I never noticed how good you smell.” She laid her head against his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his chest, hooking them under his arms.

He closed his eyes and let himself hug her waist. The sensation of lying beside someone brand new, but now warmth ran over his body. “I probably just smell like Logan…”

She sighed a light laugh, turning her face towards his neck so that her breath brushed against his skin and made it tingle. “No… cigars are too sweet. You’re… salty and like home.”

He pulled her closer at that, her entire body now fully against him. She was soft and warm and smelled like lotion and a hot shower.

Jubilee breathed a laugh again, now across his ear. “You miss home…” She pushed herself back just enough to look at him in the eye. “Do I remind you of home?”

Angelo knew he had gone blank; her words were all he needed at that moment. Home was California and his family. Home was everyone at the Academy. Home was someone who knew this and embodied it all. A girl who needed him.

Someone who knew he needed them.

Before she could lie back down, he moved his hands up to cradle her face and kissed her.

Let me know if you think I should try and write more to these. :)


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