[reviews] "With Honors"

Feb 10, 2008 22:22

Movie: With Honors
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
Main Actors: Joe Pesci, Brendan Fraser, Moira Kelly, Patrick Dempsey, and Josh Hamilton
Favorite Characters: They're all good, but my favorites had to be Simon, Monty, Everett, and Courtney
Ships: Okay, I'm going to admit this wasn't a movie I was really all that shippy with, *lol* but I did ship Monty/Everett a little. They're best friends! They were cute.
Soundtrack: Great soundtrack. It's an early 90s movie (1994 to be exact), so there's alot of tunes some of us will know and some will like having the flashback.
My reason for watching: *psh* Hello, Brendan Fraser AND Joe Pesci? I had to see what that was like!
My Thoughts: If you haven't seen this movie, check it out. It's a really good 'mentor-and-mentored' film. Probably one of Joe Pesci's finer roles. I think you'll really dig the other characters as well and the look at Harvard life - or college life, for those of us there for the academics. I actually got into the side characters, which I wasn't expecting when I picked it up. There's lots of Walt Whitman as well. Actually, a running joke in the story is "Are you Walt Whitman's ghost?", but you'll have to figure out why for yourself. It's a very poignant piece. It has good acting, a good script, and a great environment. I was pretty moved by it. It's definitely a film you'll want to sit down and watch instead of putting it on while your working around the house.
Buy/Rent: Rent it first, it may not be your cup of hot chocolate. I bought it only because it was $4.99 at Walgreens (and I even had to return it cause the DVD wasn't in the case!). The DVD its self (which is the only kind. there's no special edition running around) has no special features, and even starts automatically when you put it in. It's worth buying though just for the movie itself. So if you can find it cheap, get it. It should be a part of a DVD collection, as least to put in and remind you of the important stuff in life.

Yeah! First actual thought out review, I think.


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