Characters: Candice & Aaron
Date/Time: Tuesday Afternoon
Location: Celedon Dept. Store
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Notes: They've decided to stay in Kanto a few extra days to spend some, er, quality time together.
you said you'd lend me anything; i think i'll have your company )
Not really! ...How are you deciding which ones to keep and which not?
There. I don't think I was actually serious about any of that stuff. The rest of it is good, though. You want to grab a bit to eat after this?
Woah. You can do this in stores? Just... leave a discard pile?
[ He perks up quite visibly at the mention of food. Yaay, food!]
That would be great! I dunno about you, but I'm starving.
Well, I mean...have you seen how many employees they have here? I'm them something to do. Yes, that's it! I'm being a good person, you see?
[ she smiles softly, seeing him so excited. it makes her happy, and so that smile widens as she looks up at him ]
We could go to the rooftop cafe, or maybe somewhere else? All this shopping has given me an appetite, so...
That makes sense! I get pretty bored in the E4 when challengers stop showing up for a while...
And whatever works for me! To the cafe rooftop it is, then?
Yes, exactly! Plus if there's more work, they'll need to hire more workers, so really I'm just doing my part to help the economy.
[ suddenly the idea of sipping lemonade on the roof seems very appealing. she glances once at the cart of shopping, then decides to ignore it. she grabs aaron's hand and races for the elevator ]
I wonder if they've gotten telescopes powerful enough to see to Sinnoh, yet!
Once in the elevator, his eyes glue to the outside as they begin to ascend, a big happy grin on his face. Heights!]
You think so? I guess it's possible, since they have telescopes in the outer space that see reeeeeaaalllyyy far, but maybe they didn't install ones like that on the top floor of a department store. I hope so, though!
That would be amazing! I've always wanted to stand in one place and be able to see the whole world. I mean, there're days when you can see most of Sinnoh from the peak of Mt. Coronet, but nothing more that that.
[ the elevator's arrived at the top floor. excited, candice fairly skips out onto the roof. ]
Let's see if it works, then! We should be able to see to Kanto, perhaps, at the very least.
[ Aaron follows behind, not skipping of course, but hurrying along to match her pace. ]
I think that's Ecruteak City, over there? Can't see much father, though.
[ she steps back and laces her hands behind her back, regarding him pleasantly. ]
It's such a pretty city! Don't tell Maylene I said this, but it's much prettier than Veilstone.
Yep, it's Ecruteak! You can see over the National Park, so it must be it. I think I can make out Bell Tower!
[ He offers the telescope to her. It's not space-quality, but it's not shabby either. ]
Hahaha! I won't, of course. She'd probably punch me in the gut if I did.
And no offence, dear, but I'm not entirely sure you could survive one of Maylene's punches. Especially if her Lucario caught on to the idea and joined in.
A-ha ha.... yeah...probably not. Lucario would just finish me off. Oof. I don't even want to think about that.
S-sorry, but it would be kind of amazing to see Lucario punch you. Not that I would want that to happen, but you know what I mean!
Whaaatt? Hey, hey! It would hurt! Dunno about you, but being socked in the gut by a Fighting-type is not my idea of entertainment!
[ He cracks a grin, however, and scratches the back of his head. ]
I guess it would be amusing to watch, though...
[ she's teasing him now, because it's not like she's been totally checking out his arms this entire time. not at all. ]
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