He was late, and if Barry hated anything the most in this world, it was people being late. He would have to make sure to fine himself later for this.
Barry knew the time and place Lucas and Dawn were meeting for their date, and Lucas wouldn't miss it for the world. He was planning on hiding behind some nearby foliage and watching their date from a safe distance undetected. Barry isn't the biggest fan of romance, but for some reason, he felt that he had to see his two closest friends reveal their feelings for each other that he had noticed quite a while ago.
Unfortunately, route 35 was riddled with trainers, and Barry was challenged to a Pokemon battle with every step he took. Being the kind of person he is, Barry couldn't turn away from any of the battles, and he soon found himself way behind schedule. He wondered if the date was still even going on, but it didn't take long for him to find out. As he stepped closer and closer to Cerulean Cape, he noticed a very familiar figure running away from it. There was a lot of things strange about her that he noticed at first glance... she was barefoot, and she didn't have her signature scarf or hat.
But the tears that were streaming down her face was what caught Barry's attention the most... and they didn't seem like tears of happiness either.
"Dawn!" Barry yelled, suddenly understanding how it was like to be on the receiving end of his dashes as the girl ran towards him. "What happened?! Are you okay?!"
With the tears streaming down her eyes, Dawn didn't see that she was running straight into someone. And she could barely hear around her for the quick beating of her heart.
It was almost inevitable then that Dawn collided with Barry and knocked the both of them over.
The dull pain of the impact threw Dawn backwards and she landed very ungracefully on her behind. She lay back on the grass and soon enough Mesprit floated over her with a concerned look.
Mesprit glared at Barry, then descended beside its trainer to help her sit up.
"Owww..." moaned Dawn as she struggled to get over the dull pain. Soon enough she opened her eyes and blinked.
Barry was knocked to the ground, but got up in almost an instant, being used to these sort of collisions. He also reached his hand out to Dawn in order to help her get up, avoiding her angry Mesprit's gaze who was attempting to do the same thing.
"What am I doing here?" Barry said nervously, trying to find a way to avoid telling Dawn that he came here to spy on her and Lucas. "Well I'm still training for the Gyms around Kanto, and I heard there was lots of tough trainers up here near Cerulean Cape, so I decided to go take a look! Man you should have seen how awesome the battles were, those weaklings on Nugget Bridge didn't even stand a chance against my..."
He smacked himself both physically and mentally. "Gah, who cares about me right now! Why are you crying?! Did you get hurt or something?!"
She took Barry's hand as she stood up and straightened herself up as best as she could, brushing the dirt off her skirt. At the mention of the word "crying", the tears welled up in Dawn's eyes again.
"... Barry."
With a short sniff, she gave him a hug and started crying.
"I did something silly." Dawn murmured between sniffs. "Actually I did something..." Another big sniff. "Really stupid."
Barry didn't know how to deal with the crying girl that was now clinging on to him. For all the years Barry has known her, he has rarely ever seen Dawn in this fragile state, but he knew that as her friend he couldn't just leave her like this. Clearing his throat out of nervousness, he tried to cheer Dawn up the only way he knew how.
"D-Dawn... you have to stop crying. If you keep crying, then I'll have to fine you a million dollars..."
His usual catchphrase was filled with affection rather than irritation, but Barry couldn't help but smack himself for how lame he was sounding right now. He let out a sigh, and patted Dawn on her head as she clung to him, hoping it would make her feel better.
"You're such a kid Dawn," Barry said in a half-mocking tone. "Now tell me what you did that's causing you to cry like this, and I'll tell you how not silly and stupid it is."
There Barry was with his fines again, what a fine mess those fines caused sometimes. But it reassured Dawn that he was still the same Barry that she knew from when she was a young girl.
"Well..." Hiccuping, she took a deep breath and tried to gather her thoughts together. "You remember I asked Lucas out for a date?"
She was shuffling her story together in her mind, like a dealer ready to hand them out. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts up.
And then the words just started spilling out.
"I said it wasn't a date but we both knew it was and then what happened was that we both came up here and had a nice dinner together with rice balls shaped like Swinub with the moon and the stars out above us and then it was really romantic so I kinda asked him whether he knew why I asked him up here and he said yes and then I kinda went- "
Deep intake of breath here.
"It isn't a date because I don't know what we are to each other and then I kinda admitted that I liked him then he said it could be a date and he liked me then I panicked and ran off with my shoes in my hand and left my scarf and hat up there and I'M SURE HE HATES ME NOW BARRY."
Mesprit floated just behind Dawn's head, cooing gently.
Barry slowly nodded as his ears began to absorb the story that Dawn was telling him. It was quite a simple task at first, as Barry was easily able to understand her, despite how quick and jumbled her words were. However, as the story went on, smoke began to rise from the top of Barry's head, as he was having a hard time understanding just what part of her story she was crying about. Just as Dawn took a breath and finished her story, Barry couldn't help but be annoyed at how difficult Dawn was being, and how this whole mess just didn't didn't seem right.
"AHHHHHHH!!!" Barry yelled out, holding his head in pain. "And you say I overreact over most things?! You really need to look in a mirror more often or something Dawn! It wa s mushy moment under the stars, you said you liked him, he said he liked you, and yet you think he hates you and ran away because of it?! That just doesn't make any sense man!
He grabbed Dawn tightly by the wrist, and pointed back towards the direction of Cerulean Cape with his free hand, letting her know that she has to go back... or he would drag her back there. "Lucas may be kind of weird, and he's kind of geeky, but his feelings for you are as genuine as they come, and there's no no way that he could hate you when he can't even hate a fly. He's told me he's like you a million times... so you're going to go back there so he can tell you he likes you a million times until it gets through your stubborn head... or I'll have to drag you back there! If dragging doesn't work, then I'll carry you there, and if that doesn't work, then I'll throw you there!"
He let out a sigh as he finished venting. "Besides, you have to get your scarf and hat back anyways."
"Barry!" she squeaked as he tugged on her hand - and rather painfully at that. She listened to him rant and rave and it hit her that maybe... she was being a tad irrational. His words brought her back to reality - what was she doing? She was running away in a panic because she couldn't deal with the situation. It was very bad behaviour for her, because she was Sinnoh Champion and champions are supposed to stand tall and give an example
"I don't think you need to drag me anywhere..."
Dawn stood up and pulled her wrist back.
"I panicked because I didn't know how to deal with the situation, and... oh Lucas!"
Scrambling, she quickly bent down and pulled her shoes and socks back on. While this was happening, Mesprit did a flip in the air and flew to Barry. It held it's hands out in a show of gratitude and then flew straight up into the air, zooming back towards the cape.
"Barry, I can't thank you enough, you're too good a best friend for me..."
Dawn stood up, looked at him and smiled.
"I'm going to fine myself a million dollars if I run away now. See you!"
and thus barry managed to get through this without getting kicked, i am so proud of himgettinfinedJune 16 2010, 18:06:03 UTC
"Psh, what are doing stealing my line like that?" Barry murmured to no one in particular. "It totally doesn't suit you..."
He watched Dawn run off towards the Cerulean Cape until she could no longer be seen, then continued standing there while contemplating his next move. After a few moments of staring the beautiful scenery around him, he let out a long sigh, and turned his back to the direction Dawn ran off to. Barry trusted Dawn, and Barry trusted Lucas. He knew that they were practically made for each other, and he knew that his role in this entire thing was done. "Hahaha, if only she kmew that I was seriously planning on spying on them... I wonder just how much of a best friend she would consider me!"
As he began to make his way back down Route 25, he pulled a Pokeball from his belt and began throwing it up and down. "Looks like the plans have changed Torterra, but I'm sure we'll find out the results sooner or later. Besides, we have some things of our own to take care of... like getting our very irst Kanto League badge!"
Barry knew the time and place Lucas and Dawn were meeting for their date, and Lucas wouldn't miss it for the world. He was planning on hiding behind some nearby foliage and watching their date from a safe distance undetected. Barry isn't the biggest fan of romance, but for some reason, he felt that he had to see his two closest friends reveal their feelings for each other that he had noticed quite a while ago.
Unfortunately, route 35 was riddled with trainers, and Barry was challenged to a Pokemon battle with every step he took. Being the kind of person he is, Barry couldn't turn away from any of the battles, and he soon found himself way behind schedule. He wondered if the date was still even going on, but it didn't take long for him to find out. As he stepped closer and closer to Cerulean Cape, he noticed a very familiar figure running away from it. There was a lot of things strange about her that he noticed at first glance... she was barefoot, and she didn't have her signature scarf or hat.
But the tears that were streaming down her face was what caught Barry's attention the most... and they didn't seem like tears of happiness either.
"Dawn!" Barry yelled, suddenly understanding how it was like to be on the receiving end of his dashes as the girl ran towards him. "What happened?! Are you okay?!"
It was almost inevitable then that Dawn collided with Barry and knocked the both of them over.
The dull pain of the impact threw Dawn backwards and she landed very ungracefully on her behind. She lay back on the grass and soon enough Mesprit floated over her with a concerned look.
Mesprit glared at Barry, then descended beside its trainer to help her sit up.
"Owww..." moaned Dawn as she struggled to get over the dull pain. Soon enough she opened her eyes and blinked.
"Barry, what are you doing here?"
Barry was knocked to the ground, but got up in almost an instant, being used to these sort of collisions. He also reached his hand out to Dawn in order to help her get up, avoiding her angry Mesprit's gaze who was attempting to do the same thing.
"What am I doing here?" Barry said nervously, trying to find a way to avoid telling Dawn that he came here to spy on her and Lucas. "Well I'm still training for the Gyms around Kanto, and I heard there was lots of tough trainers up here near Cerulean Cape, so I decided to go take a look! Man you should have seen how awesome the battles were, those weaklings on Nugget Bridge didn't even stand a chance against my..."
He smacked himself both physically and mentally. "Gah, who cares about me right now! Why are you crying?! Did you get hurt or something?!"
"... Barry."
With a short sniff, she gave him a hug and started crying.
"I did something silly." Dawn murmured between sniffs. "Actually I did something..." Another big sniff. "Really stupid."
"D-Dawn... you have to stop crying. If you keep crying, then I'll have to fine you a million dollars..."
His usual catchphrase was filled with affection rather than irritation, but Barry couldn't help but smack himself for how lame he was sounding right now. He let out a sigh, and patted Dawn on her head as she clung to him, hoping it would make her feel better.
"You're such a kid Dawn," Barry said in a half-mocking tone. "Now tell me what you did that's causing you to cry like this, and I'll tell you how not silly and stupid it is."
"Well..." Hiccuping, she took a deep breath and tried to gather her thoughts together. "You remember I asked Lucas out for a date?"
She was shuffling her story together in her mind, like a dealer ready to hand them out. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts up.
And then the words just started spilling out.
"I said it wasn't a date but we both knew it was and then what happened was that we both came up here and had a nice dinner together with rice balls shaped like Swinub with the moon and the stars out above us and then it was really romantic so I kinda asked him whether he knew why I asked him up here and he said yes and then I kinda went- "
Deep intake of breath here.
"It isn't a date because I don't know what we are to each other and then I kinda admitted that I liked him then he said it could be a date and he liked me then I panicked and ran off with my shoes in my hand and left my scarf and hat up there and I'M SURE HE HATES ME NOW BARRY."
Mesprit floated just behind Dawn's head, cooing gently.
"AHHHHHHH!!!" Barry yelled out, holding his head in pain. "And you say I overreact over most things?! You really need to look in a mirror more often or something Dawn! It wa s mushy moment under the stars, you said you liked him, he said he liked you, and yet you think he hates you and ran away because of it?! That just doesn't make any sense man!
He grabbed Dawn tightly by the wrist, and pointed back towards the direction of Cerulean Cape with his free hand, letting her know that she has to go back... or he would drag her back there. "Lucas may be kind of weird, and he's kind of geeky, but his feelings for you are as genuine as they come, and there's no no way that he could hate you when he can't even hate a fly. He's told me he's like you a million times... so you're going to go back there so he can tell you he likes you a million times until it gets through your stubborn head... or I'll have to drag you back there! If dragging doesn't work, then I'll carry you there, and if that doesn't work, then I'll throw you there!"
He let out a sigh as he finished venting. "Besides, you have to get your scarf and hat back anyways."
"I don't think you need to drag me anywhere..."
Dawn stood up and pulled her wrist back.
"I panicked because I didn't know how to deal with the situation, and... oh Lucas!"
Scrambling, she quickly bent down and pulled her shoes and socks back on. While this was happening, Mesprit did a flip in the air and flew to Barry. It held it's hands out in a show of gratitude and then flew straight up into the air, zooming back towards the cape.
"Barry, I can't thank you enough, you're too good a best friend for me..."
Dawn stood up, looked at him and smiled.
"I'm going to fine myself a million dollars if I run away now. See you!"
With that, Dawn dashed off after her Mesprit.
He watched Dawn run off towards the Cerulean Cape until she could no longer be seen, then continued standing there while contemplating his next move. After a few moments of staring the beautiful scenery around him, he let out a long sigh, and turned his back to the direction Dawn ran off to. Barry trusted Dawn, and Barry trusted Lucas. He knew that they were practically made for each other, and he knew that his role in this entire thing was done. "Hahaha, if only she kmew that I was seriously planning on spying on them... I wonder just how much of a best friend she would consider me!"
As he began to make his way back down Route 25, he pulled a Pokeball from his belt and began throwing it up and down. "Looks like the plans have changed Torterra, but I'm sure we'll find out the results sooner or later. Besides, we have some things of our own to take care of... like getting our very irst Kanto League badge!"
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