Princess and the Pauper [closed]

Jul 22, 2010 19:28

Characters: Simon H. and Katie
Date/Time: July 15
Location: Viridian Festival
Warnings: None atm.
Summary/Notes: Paragraph style backlog.

Unable to find proper transport to Viridian City, Simon took his time walking. He'd already meandered his way from Vermilion up to Saffron, though he didn't take in the sights and continued on his way.

Honestly, when he did arrive in Viridian, it looked like it was just in time. He hadn't seen anything so festive in a while, and his eyes widened at the spectacle. He, however, was quite tired; his whole right side hurt. So he found an easy resting place and did his best to flop down, cane set out beside him.

The thought of meeting new people crossed his mind- those he'd talked to over his new PNG. It was a little invigorating, considering he'd not really met any new people since leaving Fortree.

!event: [002] viridian festival, [original] simon hallitt, [original] katie denniser

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