Alice in Wonderland - Revisited (Temp. name)

Jul 07, 2009 15:26

Ara. Ano.... Erm.. I'm writing this for kids....XDDDD Some days ago, I found a Chinese script we did in F.3.... It was about Alice in Wonderland and I found it hilariously cute. Although I don't have the whole script (curiously, I only had about half or two thirds of it...), I figured it'd be good for making myself start writing again(Oh, and translating skillz too...XD). Ahhh.... So I hope my former co-authors won't mind and here's the first part. By the way, I don't know how many parts there are going to be!

It was a warm mid-spring afternoon. Alice, a young blonde in a blue dress, sat under a tree, dreaming about the world with her best cuddly friend, Teddy.

“Oh, look, Teddy! Look! The sky is blue; the clouds, white; the leaves, they are rustling! Listen! Do you hear the crickets chirping their days away on the branches? Miss D’Amato says its nature’s symphony…” Alice slowly closed her eyes. “Teddy, can you feel the breeze? It’s so comfortable like this..….”

A sudden cry broke through the silence.

“Oh, no! I’m late! The King will be so angry! What to do? What to do!”

Alice was awoken from her dreams and was stunned by what she saw. A large rabbit as tall as herself was running in front of her! This peculiar rabbit was wearing a suit and looking at its watch. He, as assumed by Alice, also seemed to be in a hurry.

‘What a cute rabbit!’ thought Alice. She decided that she wanted make friends with the rabbit. “Erm…… Good morning, Mr. Rabbit! May we be friends? I would really like to be your friend, you know. And Teddy too,” Alice called out to the rabbit. Yet, Mr. Rabbit did not stop down, nor did he acknowledge Alice’s presence. He just kept of bouncing away while crying out, “Help! Help! I’m late! Oh, dear…...”

Alice did not want to lose such a special friend, so she decided to run after Mr. Rabbit. “Mr. Rabbit! Wait for me! You haven’t answered me yet!” she called after the bouncing rabbit. She saw Mr. Rabbit stop right in front of a large tree she had never seen before. Thinking that she might be able to catch up with Mr. Rabbit, she called out happily, “Now, maybe we can talk......Huh?” Alice couldn’t believe her eyes. There was no large rabbit standing in front of the tree. There was nothing! Where did Mr. Rabbit go? A gaping hole at the base of tree seemed to be the answer to Alice.

“Oh! I know! Mr. Rabbit must be playing hid and seek with me!” she said quietly to herself. With a giggle, she walked closer to the hole. It was not a big hole, yet a child like Alice could go inside easily if she were to go on her hands and knees. It was not until Alice found herself falling after she entered the hole did she feel scared about all this. Screaming out for help, Alice couldn’t comprehend what was happening. How did the ground under the tree give way all of a sudden? One second she was under the tree, and the next second she is somehow falling into the middle of the Earth! It made no sense, yet it was as happening. Everything around her was spinning that she felt like she was in the middle of a whirlwind. Blurs of color spun around her until she could stand it no more. She fainted in the middle of the crazy freefall…...
Hope my writing hasn't rusted? Comments are required appreciated! And yes, I do understand I have better things to do...Like...School things.....=_=|||


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