Promise...II & III

Feb 29, 2008 14:45

Again, this time, it was a promise you never took care to fulfill…

I waited, for your return. All the time you just smiled at me, told me you promised to come back.

Ten years of waiting. Every day I wait till sunset, I cannot see your shadow still. Day by day, I waited. Letters at the table piled up, of which I did not open. For I knew, if I touch them, my wait would be over.

I dare not move those letters, gathering dust on the table…

Even until this very day, until the end of time…Your promise was not kept.


And this is actually how much we should write for our short writing task.... A sweet 103 words....XDDD

Then, this one is a happier one... A good end, I guess.....

Promise III    By arumo

You promised to come back to me. That you'll come back safe and sound, in my arms. Your smile as you left wrecked my heart. With a steady pace, you marched out of the door.
I thought to myself, I had to remember every bit of you closely, as it would likely be the last I can ever see of you. Your smile, the way you moved about, the carefree way you talked. I had to remember them closely, for I was afraid of losing you. Even that very little bit of memory I keep of you means the world to me when you were gone.

Long years passed by, time flew. I though I had lost you. But now, you are standing at the door, only looking older, drained, your hair white , but the smile on your face , stayed the same…

And I knew, this time, the promise was kept.


And that's for now..............XDD Yes, I know it's corny....XDDDDDDDD Oh Well........On with some other work I have to do....

Comments are appreciated~!


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