476 C.E. - Eleven: Appassionato (and extras)

Aug 14, 2011 17:18

BAM, chapter eleven. Here it is, and it's the longest one so far. I think it makes up for the last chapter. Hopefully reading it will give you the same face as my icon. (Pinkie Pie, you are so random)

And here are the extras. )

476, fic

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rokittomars August 15 2011, 16:55:39 UTC

Also, Denmark's caption bubble made me laaaaaaugh.

BUT! The chapter, which I actually read the minute you posted it because I happened to check my e-mail at the exact same time. ANYWAY.

Shall we talk about how much I love Gray's balls? Oh wow. That came out really really wrong. Metaphorical balls, I mean. He kissed Rome! Rome is an idiot! Gray is a hot singer! *dances* (I'm sorry, I just had practice, I'm a BIT HYPER.)

On a more analytical sense, I like the differentiation between October and Gray's voices. Things like that fascinate me as a singer, and I really like the sound(?) of Gray's voice. The way you say it sounds. Uh. Yeah.

Denmark visualizing girl on girl. Talking about it loudly in a restaurant. \o/

Grey, you sexual deviant, you. ♥

So, I love Secret Santas. They are the best. Especially in a group of really close, really creative people. You know, like touring musicians!

Draw me like one of your French girls
...I...*clearthroat* I will just be over here in the corner. Dying. Laughing too hard you see. DYING.

I sighed in relief. "Oh. Good. Sometimes it's hard to tell with you…always such a dry delivery."

"I grew up on Monty Python."

"Point taken," I said, and the rest of the walk back to the hotel was friendly and comfortable.
I love the British sense of humor to bits. Sarcasm!

Lol, colorblind. Also, the CD. O.O

And now we're back to Gray's balls. /lesigh I await the next chapter primly, madame.


roadtoanywhere August 16 2011, 02:43:03 UTC
I have a migraine so this is going to be a really lame reply, but your comment made my day.

Shall we talk about how much I love Gray's balls? Oh wow. That came out really really wrong. Metaphorical balls, I mean.
I was on the floor laughing. Metaphorically, but barely. I was really close to falling out of my chair.

So yeah, thank you for that. :D You're awesome.

Oh, and, random, but something I thought of: is your username a reference to Draco trying to get to Pigfarts? Or am I just drawing crazy connections?


rokittomars August 18 2011, 18:00:33 UTC
Bahaha, weird things happen in my word vomit when I'm hyper. But they make me laugh, so whatever. I'm glad to have meade your daaaaayyyyyy (:

I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT OF THAT! No, rokittomars was my AIM screen name "way back" in seventh grade. *snerk* I was trying to find a way of saying "rock it" because, you know, I was SO HARDCORE. *facepalm* I cut out the c, shoved it together and realized it looked like rocket. It's just ended being my default screen name for everything.

Also, you should check my journal when you get this because I found a picture of steampunk My Little Ponies and I was like: "HOLY SHIT RACHELKID!" So yeah.


roadtoanywhere August 18 2011, 18:12:27 UTC
Bahaha, my day was indeed made.

I see! Well, it is a fun screen name nonetheless! Much more original than mine which is...pretty much just my name...



rokittomars August 18 2011, 18:27:49 UTC

Haha, I was so pissed when I found out about the band A Rocket To The Moon though. I felt ripped off XD

Dude, don't even. My first screen name was made by my MOM, who basically frankensteined my first middle and last names together. It was so bad.

SOMEHOW I KNEW YOU WERE ON THOSE SITES! (Was it all the minecraft references? The My Little Pony fanning? Or Rome dropping the French girl phrase? *snerk*) Anyway, it's up anyways. Because ALL THE INTERNETS should know about it. Or, well, my three other "friends".


roadtoanywhere August 18 2011, 21:53:58 UTC
What does it say that my mind went to AVPM instead of that band when I read your username?

Pshh, my first username was also by my mom, but she picked a random character from Lord of the Rings and then added the first three digits of my then home phone number...

I FRICKING LOVE THOSE SITES, MAN. That is how I discovered MLP:FiM, but it was actually my younger cousin that got me into playing Minecraft.


rokittomars August 18 2011, 22:43:06 UTC
That you are totally awesome, and deserve red vines.

I feel like your Mom gets some cred for picking a LotR character.

ART OF TROLLING IS MY HAPPY PLACE. *cough* What? I keep meaning to look up and watch MLP:FiM. Because I was totally a Powerpuff Girls fan, and it's the SAME CREATOR. &Faust;

Would you care to explain what Minecraft actually is?


roadtoanywhere August 18 2011, 22:50:43 UTC
Red Vines...what the hell can't they do?

Yeah, she does, there.

I love memebase and failbook! :D WATCH THOSE PONIES. YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED INTO THE HEEEEERD. Seriously. I've seen all the episodes twice.

Minecraft is...a big sandbox game. With elements of survival horror. Like, during the day, you go around and gather building supplies and everything, and at night, you try to survive the zombies and spiders and skeletons and creepers!
When I play, though, I like to just build and not worry about dying, so I turned the monsters off...
Um, that was a shitty explanation. minecraft.net is the official site, and it does a better job.


rokittomars August 18 2011, 23:06:05 UTC
My mind just went to a place where a man with comic book muscles has a big "RV" splayed across his chest.

Baha, failbook is the greatest. Mostly because I'm still dodgy about facebook itself. Oversharing is not my friend! *scarred* Also, little teenies who make passive-aggressive posts about "love" and "drama". I NEED TO SEE THE PONIES! I WANT LOVE AND TOLERANCE!

Hmm, I like your explanation. Though, I feel I would be very very bad at it. I'm only good at games like Mario, where you go...um, straight. (Your princess is in another castle...)


roadtoanywhere August 18 2011, 23:45:49 UTC
RED VINES MAN. That would be freaking fantastic.

Haha, I love failbook because I AM a huge facebook addict. It's set as my homepage and everything. I've just learned to hide the people that I don't really care about.


I was pretty sure I'd suck, too, but after watching a bunch of youtube vids of people playing the game, I decided to fork over the $22 and play it. I'd like to say it was one of my best purchases ever, but I have a feeling it's going to lower my GPA for this semester...


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