May 01, 2011 21:09

I am quite addicted to online fiction. This I do not try to deny. That being said, there are a few things about it that I absolutely HATE. The majority of these are grammar-related.

Beware, I kind of turn my bitch on below:

For example, my TOP pet peeve is getting the words "lose" confused with "loose."
Used in a sentence, "I was going to take my sunglasses with me to the beach, but I was afraid that I'd loose them."
No. You were afraid that you'd LOSE them. Loosing them would be...what, I don't know, setting them upon a flock of innocent beachgoers, or something.

Number two: Words that end in "ed" getting replaced by a "t."
A few examples: "Today, I learnt on LJ that Rachel hates it when 'lose' is spelt 'loose.'"
No. You LEARNED on LJ today that I hate it when lose is SPELLED loose. ("Spelt," though, is actually a word--a word for a hybrid species of wheat.)

Three: effect vs. affect. GENERALLY SPEAKING, "affect" is the verb, and "effect" is the noun.
Like, "The storm AFFECTED the neighborhood by knocking down trees."
Versus, "One EFFECT of the storm was that several trees were knocked down."
That being said, "effect" can be a verb, but I've almost never seen anyone use it correctly. I think the only place I've ever seen it, in fact, was in my organic chemistry lab notebook, where the instructions said to "add [blah blah] mL of [insert chemical here] to EFFECT precipitation of the polymer."

I'd like to complain about the "your/you're" and "there/their/they're" issues, but I see those on facebook WAY more than I see them on fictionpress or wherever, so that's one point in humanity's favor, I suppose.
There are also weird isolated things I've seen that actually bothered me to the point of not finishing a story. One thing I remember in particular was an author using the phrase "common" frequently. I was several chapters in before I realized that that was how she was spelling "come on," or, more colloquially, "c'mon." Always a pain.

Alright, I'm done. Just felt the need to vent my frustrations a bit.

Oh, and Friend From Across the Hall wants me to post a lovely picture of me that she photoshopped together, largely because I despise Merrill from DA2 so much.

I nicknamed Merrill "Derpface" because I think she's an idiot. The title of this picture is "WHO'S THE DERPFACE NOW?!"


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