It's memetical!

Mar 14, 2009 17:20

Comment to this post and I will give you five subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

from luinmir:
1. Games
Games, games, games. It sometimes seems like my life is dominated by games. If I'm not playing a game, I'm thinking about games, or talking about them, or researching them, or thinking up my own (hopefully) brilliant designs. Mostly, this involves non-video games. You know, like the ones with boards and/or cards and/or dice? I'm not sure why my fascination with games is so strong. Some of it probably stems from my childhood; my brother is definitely my strongest family tie, and we spent a lot of our time playing games: D&D, old Avalon Hill wargames, lots of sports simulations, even the Atari 2600. To me, the game has always been more about the social interaction than determining a winner or a loser. That being said, I love the puzzle presented by a new game. Learning the rules is one mental hurdle to clear (this is probably why I prefer more complex games -- mastering the ruleset is the first challenge). After that, putting an effective strategy into play on the table is the next challenge. I want my strategy to be effective and I want to win, but a win against poorly-matched foes is no victory, so I love to teach games. The more people I teach to love the games I love, and the better I teach them to play, the better chance I have of getting a fantastic game. It's like a constant quest for that defining game experience: that game you can tell people about for years, even if you lost, because the events were so exciting. Unfortunately, the desire to try new systems causes me to want new games way too much. In addition, I have a desire to find games that will specifically appeal to people I want to play with, which causes me to keep trying new things in an effort to find something they'll love as much as I do. I guess it's mostly about trying to share my own excitement with others.

2. Straight Ally Identity
People's pervasive stupidity astounds me. I really don't see what business it is of anyone's what other people are doing in their bedrooms. Unless you're directly involved, shut up and go do your own thing (or someone else's thing, as long as everyone involved is cool with that). After my divorce, I joined the Straight Spouse Support Network to talk to other people who had been in a similar situation (with a spouse who turned out to be non-straight), and I was flabbergasted by the amount of homophobic behavior. One person wronged you, so everyone who shares their sexuality has also wronged you? That's silliness. Most of them failed to see what I saw: that the pervasive heteronormative social pressure of American society led their ex-spouses to feel that they were "supposed" to enter into heterosexual relationships and marriages. People just want to be with who they want to be with, and there's nothing wrong with letting them. I feel equally sad when I see LGBT people complaining about how the straight folks are all the "enemy" or somehow unenlightened. As a straight ally who respects and supports your sexuality, I expect to have my own respected as well. As Kat would say, "Well, how does it feel?", and I understand that many other people go through that feeling, but it's most hurtful to have the people who should know better and who are seeking their own validation to treat me in a negative way as a result of the way others with my gender presentation and sexuality have treated them. It's the exact same dynamic, with a few adjectives moved around, and it's just as silly and stupid and depressing.

3. Vegetarianism
See above, re: sexuality. I made a choice for my own reasons and for my own body. It's not affecting you in any way, so why do I have to explain and defend my choice to every other person who finds out, and then have to endure their teasing over and over again? I really don't need another 300-pound person telling me I don't know what I'm missing or that I'm unhealthy. What am I missing out on? Heart disease? Diabetes? Erectile Dysfunction? I'm doing just fine, thanks. There are plenty of ways to get the nutrients I need without killing animals. Modern technology is a wonderful thing. You can get to the store without sitting on any animals these days, so why not use similar technological advances while you're there to get your amino acids without killing any of them?

4. Broadcast Journalism
I dunno. I love shoot events with a video camera. I'd be perfectly happy collecting video from an assortment of sporting events every day and then editing it for broadcast. But I also like writing, and seeing other people doing things poorly when I can show them better techniques always bothers me. This combines to make me want to have my fingers in many different pies, (mmm.. pie...) which is what has me where I am today. I don't know if I feel any particular urge to make the world a better and more-informed place, or to make any brilliant pieces of journalistic art... I just like taking video, and getting paid to do it would be nice.

5. Falling in Love
I feel like I never really learned how to fall in love until these past few years. Each time I've fallen in love has been better than the time before. I'm really not sure what to do with this paragraph right now, though. I feel more open and honest and myself in my current relationship than I ever have before. My first serious relationship was one of convenience and availability, and its momentum kept it going for an incredibly long time without any real love involved. Unfortunately, I have difficulty talking about love effectively except when the muse strikes me out of the blue. When prompted, I tend to go, "uh, well, there's stuff and it's neat..." Sigh. Nothing's coming right now, but I don't want to stare at this LJ entry any longer, so I'll have to let this one go only half-answered. If something comes, I'll add...

so, uh, yeah... respond and I'll give you a writing project, too.. :)
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