Back Alley Film Festival

May 28, 2008 22:27

Last Saturday, Kat (luinmir) and I were looking for something to do when I stumbled upon a Tucson Weekly listing for the Back Alley Film Festival, a series of short films literally projected in an alley just off of 4th Ave. Unable to resist, we gathered up Jen (ancientmai), who was on her last night in town before no longer being Kat's roommate any more (tears), and sauntered off to 4th Ave.

These were the two best features:

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There was also a cute one about Italian kids playing soccer and feuding with an old lady into whose yard their ball sometimes flies.

Then there was some awful movie that seemed to be a bad Napoleon Dynamite imitation, followed by some old dude telling boring stories in a bar. We hoofed it outta there to the Surly Wench for some drinks and pool. Then we met up with Sofia (sadly livejournal free) and got our Indy on. The evening was filmically balanced, I feel.

Oh yeah, Indy's good, too, for what it is. I'll take it over Transformers any day and stand it up against Pirates or either of the other Indy sequels as well. As Ebert said: "If you liked the other Indiana Jones films, you'll like this one, and if you didn't, there's just no talking to you."
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