[ooc] luceti application

Nov 08, 2010 10:36


Name: Siggy
Livejournal Username: sigrunic
E-mail: pureasicecream@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: sigrunic / none
Current Characters at Luceti: N/A


Name: Sieg (NOTE: Official character/art guides and manga confirm Sieg’s official name.)
Fandom: Suikoden Tierkreis
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Time Period: ‘Good’ end game
Wing Color: Silver
History: Here~

Growing up in a peaceful farm village with only small-fry monsters to worry about, Sieg was the very depiction of an rambunctious young hick whom desired adventure-- even participating in a small defense force with other kids his age! It’s only over the course of his adventure that he mellows out to become a capable leader with a can-do attitude, as epitomized by his key phrase: “You never know unless you try!” coupled with his tenacity in the face of hardship, though his roots certainly still shine through in his interactions with other people.

This can be seen in his interactions with royalty: While Sieg has all the traits a leader should have, such as charisma, strength, intelligence and a strong moral compass, he does not even bother to be polite to a Duke despite working together and instead opts to be upfront. Even the thought of he himself being addressed with a title or a polite ‘sir’ gives Sieg the willies. He just can’t stand it! Rather, he prefers everyone to be treated equally and is against unfair treatment, such as when people are being forced to do things they don’t want to for whatever reason: See, the central plot involving his struggle with the One True Way, an organization which argues everything is ‘predestined’ so everyone has to do things a certain way. This especially gets up Sieg’s nose considering his motto, and he doesn’t take any crap with being told he can’t do something.

Sieg is also rather tactless and short when it comes to people he doesn’t like and unnecessarily antagonizing them-- such as switching from calling a particularly nasty character ‘windbag’ to ‘scumbag’ when there were protests. This may be due to the fact he doesn’t take insults to seriously though, being fairly easy going. While Sieg can get fed up quite easily with some people, such as his self-proclaimed ‘mother’ Sisuca, when it comes down to it he considers peoples actions more important than their words in proving themselves. In that respect, Sieg is especially open-minded, and proves this by believing some of the craziest sounding stories his group collects-- the first being the prospect of other worlds and travelling to them.

For such reasons, Sieg is also rather simple. Sure, like any good leader he is nosy and wants to know how to fix other people’s problems. But he doesn’t want to know, or even care, about an entire convoluted back story unless it is relevant to what is going on then and there. He says as much to his best friend Liu, whom has many secrets he hadn’t told Sieg and was even getting pressured by others to tell, but since they weren’t pertinent to Liu’s actions Sieg brushes it off. Sieg’s reaction to his own back story is similar; upon learning the reason he cannot travel to other worlds is that he was originally from another world, all Sieg feels is a vague closure to where he’s come from and sense of disappointment that that is the reason why he can’t travel to such worlds while everyone else can do such an exciting sounding thing. He doesn’t need to know any more, just like he doesn't need a reason to help someone!

Nonetheless, being simple doesn’t mean Sieg is stupid; it is true that often it seems that as soon as he gets an idea into his head he will jump headfirst into things without a care in the world, such as when he decided to immediately go to a city after finishing one quest, despite needing to inform people back home. However he is a lot more perceptive and quick-thinking than some realize, and just as war mellows him out it also brings these traits to the fore. For instance, he knows when it’s best to hold back from attacking or that it’s no use working alone-- throughout the game Sieg emphasizes working together for better odds, such as when his village is under attack, and that sometimes the reckless actions he is prone to will not make things better, only worse, even if he was to try them such as when he wants to save Manaril from her abuse right away but knows that the time isn’t right. It’s all about Sieg having his priorities straight: He won’t take being messed around with, and never wavers in what he thinks is right. When his and another’s company are drawn into what could have been a dangerous political rivalry, Sieg is perceptive and steadfast enough not to be fooled by these shenanigans, going right up to the other company’s leader to set the record straight-- while a little friendly rivalry might be healthy, they are not each others enemies. The Order is.

Ultimately, Sieg is the simple type with a cheerfully strong personality that can bounce back easily and only fuels his desire to fight for what’s right. Even when tragedy occurs, such as the death of beloved friends, he doesn’t mope on it for long and gets right back into the action.

Physical: While not the strongest, fastest, or even luckiest of the bunch, Sieg’s strength remains above average and most importantly, versatile. Having trained under his village’s defense corps and then moving on to becoming the leader of a company, Sieg is capable of not only wielding different kinds of weapons, though his default is the staff, but can also be a proficient mage no matter the magic. Additionally, he has enough speed, stamina and defense to keep him going for a long time, both in casting magic and fending off enemies.

Mental: As a leader of a company, Sieg needs the mental fitness to do what needs to be asked of him. And thankfully, he has it! Determined yet open-minded, Sieg is constantly open to possibilities-- and not that bad in the smarts department either due to his perceptiveness; for one, he actually works with his strategist rather than just being the figurehead for all the schemes cooked up. He can also do pretty well in a contest of words, usually coming out on top because he prefers the straightforward approach of blunt egalitarian logic to whatever his opponent may use. Most importantly, he knows how to keep his priorities straight and stay on the ball.

Emotional: Inquisitive and optimistic, not much gets Sieg down and he’s a real people person. This helps him as a leader, his inquisitiveness allowing him to connect with his followers and optimism boosting morale. Paired with his simplicity, Sieg doesn’t see a problem with letting people know the lowdown on how he feels and can get over any hurt feelings or grudges easily should he see a reason to, such as when his mentor initially betrayed him yet sacrificed himself in the end.

Physical: Despite his versatility, that is also Sieg’s downfall. He is not the best at what he does, there always being someone with better stats in any department, from strength to speed. While he has a fair amount of magic power, his magical skill is fairly low and he doesn’t have much resistance to status effects either, so ultimately he does better as a fighter with the occasional magic boost.

Mental: Overcomplicated things can go over his head, and he literally says he just ‘doesn’t get’ twisted complex stories. Due to this, he can also be rather tactless and blurt out whatever he feels like, which has gotten in him troublesome and even confused situations due to how simplified he’d make them, such as telling potential recruits he won’t grant their request... only to have to clarify that’s because they don’t need to ask for his help in the first place. While not dumb, he isn’t the level of a strategist either, and misses crucial details in both everyday life and battle-- which is why he leaves it up to Liu to get into the complexities of a plan.

Emotional: Sieg can be prone to losing his temper and jumping head first into things unless given a moment to breathe, and his over-confidence and reckless combined often forces those around him to have heart attacks now and again. Considering his high-pace personality he can also be rather difficult to keep up with sometimes. His simplicity and the fact that he focuses on getting the job done can also cause Sieg to by-go things such as comforting a traumatised little girl-- literally telling her he doesn’t care if she thinks he’s abducting her and he’ll listen to any complaints later-- and to his suitor’s disappointment just isn’t all that interested in muddly things like romance.

First Person:
Man it took me a while to figure it out, but I think I got it! Heya, I’m Sieg from Viele Wege company! This book is pretty neat and all, but this really isn’t the kinda book I was supposed to have either. All my other stuff’s missin’ as well. So if anyone out there comes across it I’d really appreciate if ya let me know!

Though maybe. . . well, this is a pretty strange forest. Not only don’t I recognise it, but I’ve been walking for a good half hour and haven’t been attacked yet. So ya won’t know unless you try, right? Since this book is weird, anyone want to check it out for me? I’d just need ya to try touching it for a sec, is all.

Third Person:
He didn’t have any idea where he was, but Sieg saw no point in just standing around looking lost- People were depending on him to make it back safe! Even though this may not be any forest he recognized (and he recognized a lot), the next item on his agenda was definitely figuring out where he was and how to get back to the castle.

Or it would have been, if the uncomfortable feeling of a strange new set of wings hadn’t caught his attention. Under the shade of the trees the feathers seemed to be shaded a dark silver, the kind of silver which glinted whenever sunbeams could reach them through the treetops. Sieg guessed they were pretty. Still, unless they actually worked they were definitely unnecessary. That idea quickly caught in his mind, like a fly in a spider web; if he could fly, he could easily get a good look around for his bearings. And despite having yet to be attacked, being sans weapons and armor, let alone any healing items, left him uneasy. Flying would mean he could avoid most enemies, maybe even mean he could see them from a mile away. Plus, it would be just plain awesome!

Decided, Sieg looked around for a good place to start. After all, it’d be no good for him to just fly up and smack his head on a tree branch for his first go! A break in the trees quickly caught his eye, and he practically hopped, skipped and jumped down it to find a lake and a well-travelled path branching off further into the forest. Sieg noted that could bear investigating later, but for now he’d found a lake and therefore enough space above him to make his first attempt at flying. Practically brimming with energy at the exciting prospect, Sieg flexed his wings a few times. Even if it failed, you just don’t know until you try!

!ooc, !app

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