Contact and Permissions

Dec 31, 2014 19:49

A month or so after Abhorsen finishes, several months before Across the Wall.
4th Wall Information: See permissions below.
Gail, 29
AIM: throughoblivion

Backtagging: Joining a thread that's weeks old and hasn't been tagged on in ages, not so much; keeping playing in a thread that's been going for weeks, fine! ^^
Threadhopping: Organization is good, but if it makes sense, go for it.
Fourthwalling: Depends on the offense in question, but as long as it doesn't freak my girl out too much, s'fine by me.
Offensive subjects: I'm cool with most things. I'm more about how offensive subjects are handled than the subjects themselves.

Hugging this character: Go for it.
Kissing this character: Unless she really likes you, she might hit you. And then run away. Hell, even if she does like you, she might hit you and then run away....
Flirting with this character: Most likely you'll just confuse her, but you can try :)
Fighting with this character: Sure thing! Could be fun.
Killing this character: Only if she's still allowed to come back physically, and it's part of a plot! Please discuss with me first.
Sex: If she actually decides she wants to sleep with someone, the mun will fade to black, as I do not rp sex scenes :)
Using telepathy or mind-reading abilities on this character: She has no defense against it, so sure thing.
Relationships: Given her shyness, it'll be hard, but mun is open if anyone can convince her!
Anything that shouldn’t be mentioned near this character?: Not really, I can roll with most things ICly.
Anything else?: If you're dead or undead, she will probably try to banish you... which could be fun, but your character might not like :)

sticky post, ooc, permissions, the devils see

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