Jul 25, 2004 23:07
So...Where to start? I think it has been close to a month since I have written in my LJ. I think it is safe to say that it has been a somewhat crazy couple weeks... I do hope that things start to level out soon...my little brain cant take too much more of this. For starters, growing up I always thought that I had the unbreakable family, Boy was I in the dark. For the last couple months things around my house have been tense. My parents relationship could have been best described as a great big pimple. And it kept building pressure and then all of a sudden....POP!!! One night the proverbial poop hit the fan and I was in the room when it happend. That was quite tramatising(sp?) For about a week I felt it was nesecarry to lay low and stay the hell out of their way. For the first time in my life I was afraid of divorce.. That crushed me. Fortunatly they are doing better and going to take counsiling... we'll se how that goes... Another thing my brain has been working over time on is my life. The mystery of my life..Im going to write a book using that title and make millions of dollars. Cause every twenty something in the world can relate with me at somepoint in time. But anywho, Ive been trying oh so hard to do as the bible tells me to do, seeking God in all decisions. Well Ive been seaking, But no decsions have been made. And to be quite honest with you.. I am running out of time. argh. You know what I dont think that there are going to be many people who read this all the was thru...but if you made it this far...the fun is about to begin. So in all of my seeking of God, I have also been doing alot of seeking of Bud light. Wich is not bad but aint to good either. In one of my many adventures seeking the darkend glass bottle containing a liquid so smooth and refreshing that it could only be from God....lol..that was a huge over play...but on friday night my good buddy "T" had a party. And it was purty darn good party till the cops had decided to grace us with thier presense. That was funny. It was all under aged people ...and inexperienced drinkers I might add. Well the cops come and the kids scatter....inside. mistake #1. They then proceed to lock the doors. mistake #2. while the cop was waiting for them to open up, the cop tells me and the three people I was with....all being the oldest at the party, to leave..so we scampered away. the next night I went to the county fair. such drama. I think that would have been a good time to rob a bank...cause every cop within a 50 mile raduis was at the fair. I saw a big big altercation. apparently betwinxt two gangs... lots of cops and stuff....deffinetly an interesting night. I leave there and decide to go to see my good buddy kari... she came back to town for the weekend yay. Well we hung out and ended up going to joshes apartment where there is another keg party going on. We are there for a while and then guess who decides to grace us again....Them good ol' po pos. So i decided that this wasnt a good weekend for drinking....apparently.
that was alot of randomness...I know that I left out some imprtant things out...and rambled about unimportant things...but I am tired and impessed that I actually wrote in my LJ...but any way...
by guys...Thanks for stoping by.....Thanks for breaking my cow Lamp...