Feb 04, 2006 23:28
i wonder waht goes through peoples heads when they make decisions. personally, i think about how it will effect me, and how it will affect others. if it will make others suffer, i generally dont do it, if its a lie, i generally wont tell it. but others i think dont do taht as much. i think a lot of people dont think of how there actions effect others, i think they spend more time worrying about themselves than the people that they hurt. i iwsh i could do that, and just forget all the bullshit, but i cant. isnt that a bitch? when you find yourself forced into caring more about those who are around you than yourself? or do you know what im talking about? have you ever even experianced the feeling im talking about? where you think about how much better everythign would have been if you just werent around to amke it worse for others? i think about that a lot. im sorry to all of you, i wish i could make your lives better. i wish i could make everyone smile, and laugh, and happy. but i cant. i fail at the one thing i try hard at.