What: Dean's first day on Company grounds
Who: Proto-demon Dean (
roads_end ) and Claire Bennet (
excheerleader )
Verse: BNW
There wasn't anything to pack.
That was really one of the bonuses of leaving Arizona - the only thing he'd really want to take, that he'd kill for - were those photos of home, the ones that showed his progress. Bringing them to New York would've been a mistake. They would've got damaged. So Dean really just had the clothes on his back and that was really even more than he would've needed. Clothes weren't real good at protecting him from injuries, and it was more for the humans' benefit than his. Hell, for the record, he'd been in his birthday suit until Sam shanghaied him away from the labs, so it wasn't like he'd freak out over something like clothes. Dean found himself picking at a loose thread in his shirt as he waited for Claire to wake up and escort him to the Company facility, wherever that was.
Why did she have to sleep anyway? He figured the chick was friggen immortal: wasn't like she could suffer any side-effects from sleep deprivation, and it was up to him to keep busy waiting for her.
Dean had long gotten bored of Girls Gone Wild. The problem with watching shitloads of TV? Meant you started to get preferences and he was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, TV at 5AM was pure crap.