I hope so. But hey, work is work, and it's something he could cram in between filming, and hopefully people might see it and realize how awesome he is.
I'll assume you're talking about Jamie (safe guess huh?), but it was actually the announcement about Jared Padelcki (Supernatural) doing a remake of Friday The 13th that convinced me this must be a required rite of passage in Hollywood.
Oh! I assumed it was about Jamie, coming on the heels of the Pulse 2 interview news. And Hey! I talk about lots of things besides Jamie! Like... ... ... wait, hmm, things I talk about, hmm.. did I say Jamie already?
Well, it was the combination of Jamie doing Pulse 2, Tahmoh doing Trick R Treat, then Jared being announced for Friday the 13th. It just hit me that I have a very hard time naming an actor who hasn't had to do at least one cheap horror flick.
There are some roles you do for art, some you do for the money, and some you do because you just got out of drug rehab. - Michael Shanks =)
And Hey! I talk about lots of things besides Jamie! Like... ... ... wait, hmm, things I talk about, hmm.. did I say Jamie already?
There are some roles you do for art, some you do for the money, and some you do because you just got out of drug rehab. - Michael Shanks
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