Random scene

Apr 22, 2010 14:22

In effort to get my brain going on my story "Second Chances"  I came up with these scenes that, while they don't fit into the story, were just too good to pass up. So please indulge my random insanity and tell me your favorites as it might help inspire more.

*****Riding Lessons*****
 “Have you ever tried riding?” Vanessa asked as she tightened the straps of the saddle on a white horse in front of her.

“No, I tend to steer away from anything that doesn’t have a motor.” Rex replied. His response brought a laugh from the blond as she finished with the cinch and put the stirrup back in place. However, Rex could only focus on how the evening sunlight danced on Vanessa’s tawny blond locks, turning them the color of pure honey.

It was the first time he was able to have a date with Vanessa when it was still daylight outside. Vanessa’s father was out of town for a week, and Rex and Vanessa had taken full advantage of this by spending the evenings together before the sun went down.

“Would you want to try to ride him?” Vanessa asked. Her question breaking through his thoughts enough to know that Vanessa had known he wasn’t paying attention.

“I don’t know how.” Rex admitted; causing Vanessa to laugh again as she brushed a lock of her tawny blond hair away from her face.

“That’s not what I asked. I asked if you would want to try.” Vanessa had a smirk that some could interpret as challenging; but Rex matched it with a smirk of his own.

“You’ll have to teach me how.” It was all Rex could come up with for a rebuttal.

“That’s ok; Lancelot is easy to ride.” Vanessa said as she rubbed the underside of the horse’s neck. Vanessa then pulled him over to the side of the horse.

“Where’s the elevator to get on?” Rex jokingly asked; even though he didn’t know how to get on the horse. Every time he had ever seen Vanessa mount her horse, it was dark and she did it so quickly that he couldn't distinguish every movement.

“Ok, first place your left hand here on the horn.” Vanessa instructed as she place his left hand where she had indicated. “Then put your other hand on the back of the saddle.” Vanessa placed his right hand on the back of the saddle. “Put your left foot in the stirrup, then pull yourself up and swing your right leg over.”

At Rex’s slightly confused look, Vanessa just said: “Here; watch me, and just copy what I do.” With that, Vanessa hoisted herself up and swung her leg over the horse with an ease and grace that demonstrated that she was an expert rider.

“You think you can do it?” Vanessa asked as she squared herself on the horse.

“You just want me to make a fool out of myself by falling on my face.” Rex said. He knew he didn't have the grace to get himself on the horse.

“You won’t fall on your face. Butt, maybe; but not your face.” Vanessa replied with a laugh. "I'll make sure you don't fall."

Rex placed his hand on the saddle horn, trying to ignore the closeness of his hand to Vanessa's body. Vanessa removed her foot from the stirrup so he can put his foot in it to climb up. As he pulled himself up Vanessa supports his arm to make sure he doesn't fall. It took a moment for him to get himself in a semi-comfortable position.

"Ok the first thing you want to do is make sure you have a tight grip on the reigns. You want to put just a little pressure on the bit; too much the horse begins to ignore it, and too little he'll go where he wants,  instead of where you tell him. Now to get the horse to go, you just give him a little nudge with your legs." Vanessa explained. Rex felt her legs shift against his, added with the motion of the horse, caused him to have to immediately take a deep breath in order to get his body back under his own control.

They hadn’t been riding for very long before the trail opened up to the shores of a clear blue mountain lake.  The water was so clear that you could easily see the rocks on the bottom, sparkling in the sunlight like diamonds.

"Wow," was all Rex could say as he took in the scenery. Racing took him around the world, but it failed in comparison to this. This place seemed to be completely untouched as natural as it might have been when the lake was formed.

"I know, my mother use to take me riding here when I was little." Vanessa was quiet for a moment as she reflected on her memories of her mother who had died when she was younger.  Shifting to look at him over her shoulder, Vanessa asked: "need a break?"

"Sure, I still don't see how you go riding every day." Rex said. It wasn't just saddle sores that made him need a break, but Rex wasn't about to admit that.

"You get use to it after a while."

Rex got off first and then helped Vanessa down. Their foreheads met for a brief second as he lowered Vanessa to the ground. As the looked deep into each other's eyes, Rex slowly closed the distance between their mouths. The kiss started slowly, but after a few moments the passion began to build. So much that Rex sworn he saw fireworks. In short, it was the best first kiss of his life.


Rex unlocked the door to Vanessa's apartment slowly; before opening the door as quietly as he could. He didn't bother to turn on the light as he stepped inside. He quickly removed his wet jacket and sneakers before running a hand through his wet hair.

Rex moved to the window, where he was able to see the parking lot. As he stared out on the rain-soaked cars, Rex made a mental note of each one to compare to later to make sure that he knew which cars belonged here and if there would ever be one out of place.

As he does this, the events of this night replayed themselves over and over. From Speed's anguished face to Pops' hurtful words, it all would haunt him for the remainder of tonight.

"No you don't. This is a choice. You're selling out. Turning your back on everything we built here." Pops' words had only added to his pain.

'Don't you understand, I'm only doing this so You, Mom, and Speed won't be killed.' Rex wanted to yell back; but somehow kept the words in. In order for his plan to work, everyone had to believe that Pops' allegations were true. Even though it felt like he was willingly entering slavery and selling his soul to the devil.

Then Pops said something that almost broke his resolve, and drove one more stake through his heart. "You walk out that door now, you better not ever come back!"

'You have no idea how true that might be.' Rex thought as he closed the door behind him.

"Everything alright out there?" the feminine voice broke through his thoughts as Vanessa was suddenly beside him.

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't followed." Rex answered as he turned away from the window and towards Vanessa. Vanessa must have read his mind as she silently pulls him into an embrace. They stood there for what felt like forever, silently taking strength from each other. They both seemed to know that life would not be easy for them in their exile; but in order to preserve what they had it was an evil necessity.


“Hey, I thought you weren’t going to be able to make it.” Vanessa said as Rex walked into the examination room at her doctor's office.

“I managed to make the time to come. Besides wild horses wouldn't have kept me away today.”

Before they could say any more the doctor entered the room. She was probably about his mom's age, (which somehow made Rex feel more comfortable) tall and slender, with fair hair and high cheekbones.
 "Hello Vanessa, how are we doing today?" The doctor asked cheerfully.

"We're fine." Vanessa answered with a smile.

“So you must be the father. I'm Doctor Emerson."

"Scott Montgomery," Rex said as he shook the doctors hand; remembering to use the name that they had come up with for him to use when he and Vanessa were together.

“Well you’re just in time for the show.”

“Will that hurt her?” Rex asked as the doctor prepared to do the ultrasound.

“Oh, no. It tickles.” Vanessa said as she smiled up at him from the table.  As the doctor placed the scanner on Vanessa’s belly a rapid thumping noise filled the room.

“What is that?”

“That's your baby's heartbeat.”

"It's so fast." Rex said, trying to hide his concern that something was wrong with the baby.

"It's normal." The doctor replied, having had this conversation several times before.

“Neat, huh?”   Rex couldn't even come up with a response as he just listened in awe at the sound of their baby’s heartbeat.

“There's the head… There’s the spine… There's a leg…” The doctor began pointing out different parts on the screen.

“Wait a minute. Is that his...?” Rex said pointing to something on the screen. His meaning was clear and it just caused Vanessa to roll her eyes.

“Actually, I think that's an arm. It's too early to determine the baby's sex. Let's take the first picture of your baby.”

While Rex watched the screen the image seemed to clear, and he could see the parts more clearly. Seeing the baby now, he realized this was really a little person developing in Vanessa right now.  A person that will be his and Vanessa's responsibility to watch over and protect; to teach how to be the best person they could be; who would hopefully make a positive impact on the world.

Rex just hoped Fate would be kind to them for once and allow him to at least hold his baby one time. He knew his situation was a fragile one, Rex had seen too many people killed to ever believe he was ever completely safe. It became his mission now, no matter what it took, he would live long enough to hold the baby at least once.


Rex took in the sight of Vanessa with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. He wasn't sure that the position she was in could be comfortable. She was sitting in the armchair in the living room, her legs hanging over one arm her back supported by the other. Rex couldn't help but wonder just how she managed to get herself into that position being six months pregnant.

He stood there watching her for several moments. She had her latest selection of paint colors in her hands as she seemed to study each one intently. One hand would occasionally run over her swollen belly, probably in response to the baby moving inside her. It was something that never failed in amazing him as the movements were just getting strong enough for him to feel them as well. He could spend hours lying with Vanessa on their bed; one hand on Vanessa’s belly feeling the baby move.

Going up to the side of the chair, Rex could hear Vanessa mumbling to herself about the paint colors in her hand. Suddenly aware of Rex's presence, Vanessa looked up at him and asked: "What do you think?"

"They all look good, Vanessa."

"How can you say that? Some are too pale, Some are too bright; And some are just plain yuck." Vanessa said as she tossed the rejects on the table next to her. "Will you please help me?" her green eyes staring at him through her long lashes.

"I thought you had already decided on a color?" Rex asked knowing last night Vanessa had said that she had.

"I changed my mind. I realised that it was more a boy color than a girl color."

"One way to solve this problem would be to actually find out if it's a boy or a girl." Rex pointed out.

"I thought we agreed we wanted to be surprised." Came the rebuttal.

"But it would be easier to decide how to decorate the nursery."

"No, what would make it easier is if you'd help me." Vanessa argued back.

All Rex could think of to get out of this argument was to completely change the subject. He did that by kissing Vanessa passionately. Paint colors forgotten, the young couple found a better way to spend the afternoon.


Rex wipes his hand across his forehead, only succeeding in smearing more paint on his face. He had been working on the spare bedroom in effort to turn the small space into a nursery for the baby. Vanessa had finally decided on a pale green color with a Winnie the Pooh boarder.

Setting the paint roller down, Rex takes a second to survey his work. It hadn't taken him very long to paint the small room. Now all he had to do is wait for the paint to dry before he hung the boarder.  As the paint dried, Rex decided to get a drink.

Vanessa sees Rex emerge from the bedroom into the kitchen; paint splattered everywhere it possibly could be.  Vanessa regarded him with a lopsided look of amusement as he goes to the refrigerator and gets the pitcher of lemonade and pours himself a large glass.

“Can I ask you a question; are you painting the room, or is the room painting you?” Vanessa asks, watching Rex take a couple large gulps of his drink before dramatically looking himself over.

“Right now, I’d say it’s about fifty-fifty.” Rex said causing Vanessa to laugh.

“Well try to get most of the paint on the wall; please.”

"Actually I just finished, all that's left is hanging the boarder once the paint dries."

"Well go get cleaned up before that paint dries on you and you can't get it off. You don't want people to call you the green giant."

"What if the green giant just wants to take his lady and ravish her until they can take no more?" Rex replied.

"I think you've been breathing the fumes too long. Go take a shower. Afterwords, if you still feel that way; then the green giant's lady might be willing to go along with his plans." Vanessa answered with a suggestive smile.

Rex knew that he would definitely need another shower later, as he headed towards the bathroom for anything but a cold shower.


Rex walked towards the hospital room where Vanessa was. Entering the room quietly, he takes in the scene before him.

Vanessa is laying back on the hospital bed with her eyes closed. Her hair is still damp with sweat, she has an exhausted, yet triumphant grin still on her lips as she slept.

Their new daughter lay in her little bed that was pushed up within Vanessa’s reach. Stopping to look at her, Rex marveled at all the dark blond hair she had. She yawned at her father and not bothering to open her eyes rubbed her tiny fist across her cheek and nose. Rex smiled to himself fascinated by the idea that this baby had parts of both of them. It was pretty miraculous.

Fate had decided to be very kind to them. As Rex not only was still alive to hold their little girl; but he was actually able to be there when she was born. In fact, he even got to cut the cord.

Having decided to not find out the sex of the baby had actually been a good decision; as Rex believes he will always remember the joy and surprise he felt when the doctor announced that it was a girl. But since they didn't know, the discussion soon turned to names. Rex had adamantly suggested the name Arianna; in honor of his mother; Vanessa wanted Nicole for the same reason. They soon came to a compromise and the baby was dubbed: Arianna Nicole.

But unlike other families the issue of Arianna's last name was not an easy one. The obvious choice was for the name Montgomery, as it was the name that they all would use until it was safe for the world to know about their secret. While he understood the reasons why the name Racer couldn't be used; a part of Rex still wanted the baby to have his name, his real name.

Finally after reassurances from the doctors that Arianna's medical records and birth certificate would be sealed, they had officially name the baby: Arianna Nicole Montgomery-Racer. Rex even signed the papers using his real name. He only hoped that it would not jeopardize his daughter's life. One of the last things Rex wanted was for someone to learn that the notorious Rex Racer has a daughter, and decide to use her as a means of controlling him.

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