Sep 26, 2007 12:42
-- List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
--Tag seven people to do the same.
--Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
1. New nervous habit, when I'm uncomfortable, I bite my finger.
2. Sometimes I wish I was really strong, but I'm not and it's really all my fault. Besides that I don't think I was meant to be a buff person.
3. I'm a terribly bitter person about stupid things.
4. I really hate it when people make fun of me, I'm just used to it. And sometimes I snap at people when I think they're making fun of me, but they really aren't.
5. I think it's better to be alone, then to let down my friends. I'll even choose that option if I think I can't meet everyone's expectations.
6. I've hated the Olsen twins since I was a little kid, I really can't tell you why. Because I don't know myself.
7. I have prove myself to certain people, and if I feel that way around them, I won't talk, at all.
Tagging: Screw the rules, do it if you want to.