Feb 05, 2008 13:00
Hampton has been loving this winter. SNOW! So much!
I on the other hand am tired of winter, and have ordered all the powers that be to MAKE IT STOP. Looks like we're in for another snow storm tonight. I just love the fact that when I demand for the cosmos to make something happen, I go completely ignored. Staggering the amount of power I yield.
Anyway . . .
My little white furball of love has been seriously digging the cold and snow. Her breed is an American Eskimo. Go figure.
So every time it snows she's been getting all excited, She runs up and down the length of the yard, wallers around in snowdrifts, rubs her little face in it, makes little doggie snow angles, and gets herself all wound up that it takes me hours to get her settled down to snuggle monster mode (which I prefer after a long day at work.)
This winter she's uped her obsession with snow, now she eats it. She'll spend hours munching on snow. I am sure it's part of her "You don't feed me enough, I'm starving and reduced to eating random shit" campaign. But I have yet to waiver, her thick layer of chub convinces me that she is not starving, but really is a fatty fat fat. Not that I'm judging.
So the other night she worked herself into a tizzy. There was about 5 inches of new snow in the yard that she needed to waller in and then eat, but then, she also wanted inside because she needed to be near me (if you talk to her she will try to convince you that she is not only starved half to death, but in fact is neglected, poor pathetic doggie), because I am her favorite. (obviously tied with snow.)
So she started this ridiculous routine of doing her doggie-I-gotta-go-outside dance at the door, which is curiously close to her doggie-I-gotta-widdle dance, so I let her outside. Once outside she'd give me her saddest you're-not-comming-out-to-play-I-don't-care-that-it's-20-degrees-out look, half heartedly eat a few bites of snow and then start barking her head off to be let back inside. Once inside, she'd start her dance at the door, and the whole damn routine would start again.
During this, I was trying to unwind from work, make dinner, make my lunch, pick up the house, and I was getting increasingly annoyed with the light of my life.
Finally I grabbed her water bowl, stomped outside, filled it with snow, and presented it to her magesty. She did her most exuberant doggie dance (usually reserved only for carrots, her favorite food) and chowed down.
Never a happier dog ever existed. She spent the next 15 minutes working on cleaning out her bowl, though at one point she did stop rather abruptly, and shook her head repeatedly. I think she gave herself an ice cream headache. But, it gave me enough time to finish my chores and dinner, and sit down on the couch ready to eat and cuddle with my little white monster.