As the lady said... SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 19, 2006 23:08

Otherwise known as Goldsmiths managed to do TWO things right

I got a pass with distinction!!!

I rock, I rock, I rock.

Ok, so I got a distinction from Goldsmiths, but I still got it. :-) It's the highest grade available, so I won't complain. *Grin*

This is mainly a Thing because they managed to fail so completely to give me any feedback at all. Me being me, I took the coursework assignments as an opportunity to be mean. Specifically, to explain in detail why all the things they'd carefully explained to us in lectures were actually false, unsupported, misleading or, simply, that their question as phrased was unanswerable and (bluntly) stupid.

When you spend a year (and lots of money) on an MSc with no feedback on any work in all of that time, such sarcasm does make you a little nervous. I knew that my arguments were watertight and the work was original, imaginative and well-constructed. I just wasn't at all sure of their marking criteria. That said, I am now the Queen of Brains!

Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce,

I think the world likes me atm!
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