Jan 02, 2005 22:41
well lets see got hit by a car on on xmas night. got fucked up real bad spent 5 days in recovery cant walk for two months. i have a titanium rod in my right leg along with 4 screws and had a deflated lounge popped shoulder in and out of socket. and bruises cover half my body along with a fractured pelvis. so i am out of town till i am better i need to be with some one that can help me do things well i have people coming over to give me physical therapy in the morning but to let every one no i am doing better thanks to pain killers my ass still hurts so sit on but o well. love to all i have had a lot of time to think and i am sorry to all those i hurt especially one in particular. hope that person is happy well they better be or when i get back they are getting there ass kicked. lol
ps thanks to all those who showed there love and called to cheer me up or sent there best regards