(no subject)

Aug 11, 2010 21:06

Life as we know it.....ㅗ너채둏자ㅏㅜ튜ㅗㅗ노조챠나ㅓㅓㅛㅇ토ㅓㅑㅐwhatever that means I am not sure....what I do know is my relationship I.e marriage is stressing me out. I don't know how to make it through all of this, he keeps trying to control my life and i keep trying to make him grow up. The age difference is demanding too much of me. I feel like I have to baby him too much and he feels like I treat him like a child ...and he is right I do treat him like a child not because I want to bit because he hardly makes adult decisions when necessary.
One year down and I feel like we are far from having a happy relationship . Sex is good.

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via ljapp

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