GUYS (and when I say this plural greeting to the Internet, I realise there is probably a grand total of one person reading this, but I feel better addressing the general Internet public for a few reasons, the main being that it doesn't make me seem like a complete Internet fade-away, but ANYWAYS, on with my exciting news) I SAW INCEPTION LAST NIGHT. AND IT WAS FANTASTIC. It is now easily one of my favourite movies (but I never ever will have a definitive favourite because it feels to me like too big of a commitment, and there I go, about to start off on another tangent about my commitment issues, so BACK ON TRACK.)
EVERYONE should see it. I would recommend it to anyone and not even bother with asking about their genre preferences. First of all, THE CAST. Leonardo DiCaprio, awesome as always. Ellen Page: GREAT performance, but I always think she's great. Joseph I really have to explain that one? Cillian Murphy - AMAZING. Subtly amazing, like I've found many of his performances to be. If you see it, the last scene that he's in, near the end...I almost cried. Marion Cotillard was stunning as ever and she almost made me cry, too. She also almost made me jump out of my seat at some points, but anyways. And all the others in the film. Brilliant.
The plot was (in my opinion, and I think in many others) very original and I was not bored ONCE. And this movie was two and a half hours. Ugh. I've been thinking about it all day. Oh god, and the ENDING. Also, the soundtrack (composed by the one and only Hans Zimmer) fit perfectly and made the movie so much more than it already was.
The visuals were stunning, also. Christopher Nolan is a genius director, he really is. So just go and watch it now. It's the best film I've seen all 2010.