The recording begins with what sounds like a highway in the far background. Amuro's voice is shaky, but it sounds like she's trying to be cheerful. As the recording goes on, her words mostly dissolve into mumbling.
My little beach vacation got cut short. We spent the first night just hanging out and enjoying the water. I got to sort of talk to some fish... they really don't communicate like anything that lives on land, or even goldfish in bowls. Not that goldfish have anything to say at all really except stuff like feeding time and it's too hot here and please change the water.
After we got to rest, I was really antsy to start the tests up. I wanted to know for sure, y'know? I mean, all this time I've been thinking but wasn't sure and it was kind of driving me nuts because the puzzle pieces didn't fit all the way. The tests Cole ran the next night... I'm not sure what half of them were. Lots of it looked like normal doctor stuff, blood sugar and sodium levels and hormone levels if I was to guess about it.
But... there was something wrong. Something's IN me. It's...
Fuck, I can't talk about this right now--
There's a shuffling noise and the recording stops.
After a few seconds of silence, white noise returns to the background. It's different noise, quieter.
...Right. I'm gonna try to get it out now, while I still feel like talking.
I'm not sure I really understand all the way but Cole said she had a virus in her blood...? Something that ate the cells from vampire blood. I could be wrong. I dropped out of high school, okay? I'm not stupid, though, I know basic cell structure and crap. But what she showed me under the microscope when she added a few drops of my blood to a slide with hers on it...
At that magnification level, all we could see were the blood cells mingling together. Nothing really exciting, right? But then she noticed the difference. One set of cells (she said it was mine) were actively MOVING AROUND on their own. And then as we watched... all of Cole's blood cells that touched mine started to move too.
A long pause while Amuro takes deep breaths much too close to the microphone.
We... We upped the magnification level until we could see the cell walls clearly and repeated the blood-drop maneuver. This time... I could see it. There were these little... THINGS, IN MY BLOOD, on my FUCKING CELLS. Whenever... whenever Cole's got near they jumped off onto hers and I could see them doing something. I didn't understand, but the little globby things passed through the cell wall and started taking over the nucleus...
...I... I'm really scared. I want to go home! Oh god, I wanna go home I wanna go home...
oh god what's inside me
The recording ends.