Date: Friday, 13 September 1999
Characters: Eric Munch, anyone else?
Location: Ministry of Magic
Status: Public
Summary: Eric is at work, and bored, as usual.
Completion: Incomplete?
Eric Munch sat with his head rested on his hand, elbow propped against his desk, flicking through a well-thumbed copy if Witch Weekly some woman had left in the Ministry canteen. He scratched his nose. Merlin, all this vapid witch stuff was such a load of bollocks.
Eric flipped to the next page. This year's winner of the Most Charming Smile Competition grinned up at him. Eric considered, then reached over and pulled his quill out of its ink pot. smirking at the wizard, who tried to move out of the frame, he drew a moustache on the preening prat, then blacked out three of his teeth.
Then he put his quill back. Well, that amusement was short-lived. He shoved the magazine aside, ignoring the scowling photograph.
A wizard wearing a visitor's label stepped up to the desk. Eric looked up, blinked.
"Step over here."
"Twelve inches, unicorn hair core, been in use twelve years. That correct?"
"I keep this, you get this back. Have a good say, sir."
Eric sat back down.
Bored. Bored bored bored bored.